Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

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Product Versions and OS Support

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

The following tables summarize the various versions of TinyTERM and TERM, for both DOS and Windows platforms. They show which operating systems each version was originally supported on, the basic format of the serial number, and whether or not that version of TinyTERM is still eligible for telephone and email support. The table is organized from most current products to oldest.

Support information for all versions is available in this Knowledge Base.

VersionYearProductActivation KeyCurrently Supported?OSes
TinyTERM Plus
TinyTERM AX for Web
ADHSX-FH2C7-VVFF7-CHLRA-5EZRPYesWindows XP and newer
TinyTERM Plus
TinyTERM AX for Web
ADHSX-FH2C7-VVFF7-CHLRA-5EZRPNoWindows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
4.7.62013TinyTERM AX for Web
(initial release)
(Registered Name required)
NoWindows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
TinyTERM Plus
TinyTERM AX for Web
ADHSX-FH2C7-VVFF7-CHLRA-5EZRPNoWindows XP, Vista and Windows 7

Support for TinyTERM version 4.65 ended in August 2013. Support for TinyTERM versions 4.60-4.64 ended in February 2013.

Beginning with version 4.60, all products share the same 25-character activation key format.

VersionYearProductActivation KeyCurrently Supported?OSes
TinyTERM Plus
ADHSX-FH2C7-VVFF7-CHLRA-5EZRPNoWindows XP, Vista and Windows 7
TinyTERM Plus
ADHSX-FH2C7-VVFF7-CHLRA-5EZRPNoWindows XP, Vista and Windows 7

Support for TinyTERM versions 4.40-4.52 ended in May 2010.

TinyTERM Web Server was removed from the TinyTERM product line in version 4.60. Support for TinyTERM Web Server in all versions was also ended at that point.

VersionYearProductSerial NumberCurently Supported?OSes
4.532007-2009TinyTERME53777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and Vista
TinyTERM PlusP53777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista
TinyTERM Web ServerS53777777EMNo
4.522006-2007TinyTERME52777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusP52777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerS52777777EM
4.502005-2006TinyTERME50777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusP50777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerS50777777EM
4.432005TinyTERME43777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusP43777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerS43777777EM
4.422004-2005TinyTERME42777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusP42777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerS42777777EM
4.412004TinyTERME41777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusP41777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerS41777777EM
4.402004TinyTERMEV4777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusPL4777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Web ServerWS4777777EM

TinyTERM Thin Client was made an install option of TinyTERM Plus in version 4.40.

Support for TinyTERM versions 4.30-4.52 ended in May 2010.

Support for TinyTERM versions 4.00-4.21 ended in March 2007.

VersionYearProductSerial NumberCurrently Supported?OSes
4.30-4.332002-2004TinyTERMEV3777777EMNoWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM PlusPL3777777EM
TinyTERM Web ServerWS3777777EMWindows 98se, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and 2003
TinyTERM Thin ClientTC3777777EMWindows NT 4.0 Terminal Server, 2000 Server and 2003 Advanced Server
4.20-4.212001-2002TinyTERMEV2777777EMNoWindows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP
TinyTERM Plus EditionPL2777777EM
TinyTERM Web Server EditionWS2777777EM
TinyTERM Thin Client EditionTC2777777EMWindows NT 4.0 Terminal Server, and 2000 Server
4.12-4.132000-2001TinyTERMEV1777777EMNoWindows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
TinyTERM Plus EditionPL1777777EM
TinyTERM Web Server EditionWS1777777EM
TinyTERM Thin Client EditionTC1777777EMWindows NT 4.0 Terminal Server and 2000 Server
4.10-4.112000TinyTERMTTE777777EMNoWindows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0 and 2000
TinyTERM Plus EditionWPL777777EM
TinyTERM Web Server EditionWWS777777EM
TinyTERM Thin Client EditionWTC777777EMWindows NT 4.0 Terminal Server and 2000 Server
4.02-4.051999TinyTERM Plus EditionWPL777777EMNoWindows 95, 98 and NT 4.0
TinyTERM Web Server EditionWWS777777EM
TinyTERM Thin Client EditionWTC777777EMWindows NT 4.0 Terminal Server
4.00-4.011998TinyTERM Web EditionTWE777777EMNoWindows 95, 98 and NT 4.0

Version 3.3 combined the TinyTERM and TERM for Windows product lines, including ending the serial number in the letters EM. (No serial number ends in the letters OEM. Any serial number in that format actually uses the number zero, not the letter O.)

All products were released on CD from this point on.

Support for TinyTERM 3.3 and earlier Windows products ended in July 1999.

VersionYearProductSerial NumberCurrently Supported?OSes
3.31997-1998TinyTERMWTE777777EMNoWindows 3.1, 95, NT 3.51 and NT 4.0
TinyTERM PlusWTP777777EM
TERM ProfessionalWPN777777EM

All versions prior to 3.3 shipped on diskettes.

VersionYearProductSerial NumberCurrently Supported?OSes
7.21995-1996TERM for WindowsWPE777777IWNoWindows 3.1, 95 and NT 3.51
TERM ProfessionalWPN777777IW
1995-1999TERM for DOSDPE777777IBNoDOS
3.21995-1996TinyTERM Plus DOSDTP777777TTNoDOS
TinyTERMWTE777777TTNoWindows 3.1, 95 and NT 3.51
TinyTERM PlusWTP777777TT
Pre 3.2 and 7.2Up to 1995TinyTERMCSU777777TTNoDOS
TERM for WindowsCSU777777IWNoWindows 3.x

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Serial Number Does Not Match Activation Key

Friday, April 13th, 2007

There are several possible solutions to this error:

  1. If the version printed on the activation key card or listed in the license email does not match the install version, then this error will come up. Verify that the serial number you have matches the TinyTERM version you are installing. For example, older serial numbers will not work with the current TinyTERM download. And the serial number that comes with a TinyTERM CD is specific to that version of TinyTERM.
  2. Check the serial number and activation key for typographical errors. The serial number will always be 11 characters long: one to three letters, six to eight numerals, then two letters. No serial number ends in the letters “OEM”. The capital letter O will actually be the number zero in all cases.The activation key is always eight letters. Depending on the font, this may make the lower-case letter l look like the number 1. It’s never a number, though.
  3. When installing TinyTERM 4.52 from CD, you’re seeing a timing error. Despite what the install says, it’s not ready for the license yet.In this case, click the 30-Day Eval button instead. The install will continue from there. Once the install is done, go to Start | Programs | TinyTERM and run the License Manager.

    In License Manager, click the Upgrade button. Enter your serial number and activation key, then click Update License. Close the License Manager. TinyTERM will then be licensed, rather than an eval copy.

  4. For a serial number that starts with the letters MMA, do not let the CD autorun. Instead, on the TinyTERM CD you’ll find a folder named “setup32_v33.” Run the setup.exe program in that directory instead. That will accept your license information.

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Invalid Activation Key

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Installing TinyTERM 3.3 to drive D: will cause it to give this error on start. You must install TinyTERM 3.3 to the C: drive.

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Serialization Error 25 Character Needed for Activation

Monday, April 9th, 2007

This error may come up installing TERM on AIX. It happens when you install the wrong version. For example, on AIX 5.2 you should installing files from /termunix/i6/4.2, rather than the /termunix/ai files. Also, the serial number to use in that case is the one ending in I6.

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This Serial Number and Activation Key Have Already Been Used

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

That error means the TinyTERM license has already been entered into your PC’s registry. But if TinyTERM won’t start, there’s an error reading it back out.

The first thing to check is the license it’s reading. Right-click the shortcut you use to start TinyTERM. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.

On the Shortcut tab of the Properties, check the Target line. It will read something like this:

“C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe” -P52 default

The -P52 argument needs to match the first three characters of your serial number. For example, if you licensed TinyTERM with the serial number E43219876EM, you should have -E43 there.

If that argument does match, you’ll need to remove the TinyTERM license, then add it again through License Manager. If you are using Windows NT, 2000, XP or Vista, you’ll need to login as a local PC administrator first.

  1. Click on Start | Run.
  2. In the Run dialog, type:


    then click OK. The Registry Editor will open.

  3. In the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Century Software.
  4. You’ll see a License1 key. You may also see License2, License3, etc., up to a maximum License9. Delete all License# keys one at a time, but don’t delete anything else.
  5. When all the License# keys have been deleted, close the Registry Editor.
  6. Run TinyTERM’s License Manager to re-enter your serial number and activation key.

If you go through these steps, you may still see the message, “This product is not licensed.” However, License Manager may then say the license has already been used. There are two possible reasons for this.

  • You have more than one copy of the license file CenLic32.dll on the PC. Search the C: drive for that file name. For each copy that comes up, right-click on it and select Properties. Check the version number. If it does not match the version of TinyTERM you have installed, delete it. When all incorrect versions of the file are gone, the error will be as well.
  • You are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP with a language requiring Unicode installed. This includes languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, but other languages can cause this as well. This will not happen in TinyTERM version 4.33 or higher. The license code was rewritten in those versions to support Unicode.

For TinyTERM version 4.30 or 4.31, there is a patch. To use it, locate the existing CenLic32.dll file and rename it as a backup. Copy the patch into C:\Windows\System32 and rename it CenLic32.dll. Then go through steps 1-6 above.

There is no patch or other solution for versions prior to 4.30. A newer version of TinyTERM is required.

CR 142, Unicode licensing
CR 288, This serial number and activation key have already been used

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Encryption Error on Entry #1

Thursday, February 1st, 2007

This error means the license entry in the registry has become corrupt. To fix it, do the following:

  1. Click on Start | Run.
  2. In the Run dialog, type:


    then click OK.

  3. In the Registy Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Century Software.
  4. You’ll see a License1 key. You may also see License2, License3, etc., up to a maximum License9. Delete all License# keys one at a time, but don’t delete anything else.
  5. When all the License# keys have been deleted, close the Registry Editor.
  6. Run TinyTERM’s License Manager to re-enter your serial number and activation key.

You may also be running into a Unicode issue, as described in this article. The only workaround in this case is to remove Unicode support, then go through the steps above.

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Find the TinyTERM License

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

If you’ve lost the card or email that has your serial number and activation key, you can get it from any PC that has the same version of TinyTERM installed. In TinyTERM versions 4.60 and higher, simply go to the Help menu and select About. The serial number and license key are displayed there.

For versions 3.3 through 4.53, the license is stored in the registry. To view it, click on Start | Run and enter:


In the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Century Software and click on the License1 key. The data string will include the serial number and activation key. The serial number will start with one of the following letter combinations:


There will be six or seven more digits, then the letters EM. That complete string is the serial number; e.g., PL12345678EM. If the serial number ends in EV instead, that’s an evaluation license. Go to the License2 key instead in that case.

Immediately after the serial number will be eight lower-case letters. Those are the activation key.

If you click on the License1 key but don’t see the serial number, you should see a series of two-digit hexadecimal numbers. That means you have TinyTERM version 4.33 or higher installed. To read that license, double-click the word “Default” in the key value. A dialog box named “Edit Binary Value” will come up. The right-hand column, which has lines of eight characters each, has the serial number and key. The serial number will start in the last two letters of the second line. It will start with either the letter P or the letter E.

If your version of TinyTERM is old enough that it does not write the license to the registry, search C: for a file named marathon.ini. The license will be written to that file also. If that file is missing, you won’t be able to recover the license at all.

You can find a table of Century Software, Inc., products and their associated serial number formats on this page.

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, Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

The introduction a number of years ago of the Digital Product Key (DPK) saw the removal of the Certificate of Authority (CoA) Licence Key sticker we had all grown to know and love since the days of Windows 95. Use of a DPK was introduced by Microsoft with the launch of Windows 8 and saw the 25-character key injected into the PC system board. As a result the OEM Operating System was intrinsically linked to the product it came with and no more could any CoA to hand be used when installing Windows 7, or could we deploy a modified version of OEM Window 7 via Sysprep. The CoA sticker became a thing of the past, relegated to the dustbin and was replaced by a Windows Logo on the base on the notebook instead.

So, we now have a secure OEM licencing system and the user cannot see or lose their licence key; when a new system board is fitted the DPK is supplied already in the new board. The DPK also has benefits as it makes auditing licences easier via the KMS (Key Management Server), especially in Volume Licenced organisations – if there is no DPK with corresponding SLIC tables for Windows 8/8.1/10 Pro then no activation of the volume media. There is however one drawback to all of this: the user who wants to exercise their downgrade rights and install an earlier version of Windows.

From Windows 10 Pro the user (that’s you constant reader) has the right granted from Microsoft to install an OS that is N-2 in revision. This means two generations back from the licence provided, so with Windows 10 Pro licenced units the user can actually install Windows 7 Pro. This wasn’t too difficult until recently as PC OEM vendors such as Toshiba could often provide Windows 7 pre-installed with Windows 10 recovery media in the box – the downgrade had, in effect, already been done.

From November 2016 it has become more difficult and costly to provide Windows 7 pre-installed and all vendors generally now provide units with Windows 10 Pro installed leaving it to users to perform the downgrade themselves. The process sees the user installing Windows 7 with a generic licence key from the install media and when activation is refused they need to call Microsoft, claim they are “exercising their downgrade rights from Windows 10”, offer up the Windows 10 licence key and in return be given an activation key to enter. Simple and easy, or is it? Those that have followed so far will realise there is one small piece of detail missing – how do you get the Windows 10 Pro licence key if it is in digital form locked into the system board?

Thankfully there is a way to obtain this that does not require calling the OEM vendor and waiting for them to locate this from their supply chain/factory. To get your Windows 10 Pro licence key simply follow the below steps:-

  1. Launch an Administrator Command Prompt.
  2. At the elevated command prompt type:-
    wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey
  3. 1. After a few seconds the licence key will appear on the screen and you can make a note of it.

So, now with licence key in hand the process of downgrading to Windows 7 from OEM Windows 10 Pro is along the lines of:-

  1. Obtain Windows 7 Pro Install Media complete with its licence key (it doesn’t matter if this key has already been used for activation).
  2. Change the BIOS in the notebook from UEFI to either UEFI Legacy or CSM Mode – you will probably find CSM Mode easier to work with.
  3. Boot from the installation media, prepare the HDD/SSD as necessary and install Windows 7 Pro.
  4. You will find Windows 7 Pro will not activate as the key you used has been used already.
  5. Choose the option to activate offline by phone and provide your country location when prompted.
  6. Call the number that appears on the screen and when the Microsoft Technical Agent answers explain that you wish to “exercise your downgrade rights from Window 10 Pro”.
  7. At this point you may be asked for your Windows 10 Pro licence key which you will have noted down previously. Provide this to the agent and they should give you a (very long) activation code that can be entered into the computer.
  8. Windows 7 Pro will now be activated.

We hope the above has been of help to you.

Until the next time,

Your Toshiba B2B Consultant Team

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Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

You receive an error message when you try to activate Windows Vista or Windows 7 on a computer that was obtained from an OEM

  • 4 minutes to read

This article provides a solution to solve errors that occur when you activate Windows Vista or Windows 7 on a computer that's obtained from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

Original product version:   Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Original KB number:   942962


When you try to activate Windows Vista or Windows 7 on a computer that was obtained from an OEM, you experience one of the following symptoms.

Symptom 1

You receive one of the following error messages:

Error message 1 Error Code: Invalid Volume License Key

In order to activate, you need to change your product key to a valid Multiple Activation Key (MAK) or Retail key.

You must have a qualifying operating system license AND a Volume license Windows < operating system > upgrade license, or a full license for Windows < operating system > through an OEM or from a retail source.


Description: The Software Licensing Service reported that a license in the computer BIOS is invalid.

Symptom 2

You receive the following error message: Error Code: 0xc004f035 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume licensed systems require upgrading from a qualified operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key. This behavior occurs when the following conditions are true:

  • You are using the Key Management Service (KMS) to perform activation.
  • The computer uses an ACPI_SLIC table in the computer BIOS program.> [!NOTE]

An ACPI_SLIC table is used by an Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)-compliant BIOS program to store Software Licensing description information.


This problem occurs if the KMS server does not find a valid Windows marker in the ACPI_SLIC table in the computer's BIOS program. This problem occurs for one of the following reasons.

Cause 1

You purchased a computer that has a qualifying Windows operating system installed. However, the Windows marker in the ACPI_SLIC table is corrupted.

Cause 2

You purchased a computer that does not have a qualifying Windows operating system installed. In this case, the Windows marker is not present in the ACPI_SLIC table.


Windows Volume License is for upgrades only. Before you try to upgrade, you must first purchase an underlying, qualifying, and genuine Windows license. For more information, visit the following Microsoft website: Legalization licensing solutions The information on this website includes an easy way to correct improper licensing by using a Get Genuine Agreement. Next, you must change the product key to a Multiple Activation Key (MAK). To do this, contact the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center at the following Microsoft website:

More information

The behavior that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section may occur when the Windows marker is missing from the Software Licensing table or when the Windows marker information is present but corrupted. For more information about Volume Activation 2.0, visit the following Microsoft Web site: A computer that was obtained from an OEM and that has an ACPI_SLIC table in the system BIOS must have a valid Windows marker in that ACPI_SLIC table if that system includes an OEM license for a Microsoft operating system (Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7). OEM systems that do not include an OEM Microsoft operating system may include an ACPI_SLIC table that does not include a valid marker file. This Windows marker is important for volume license customers who plan to use Windows Vista or Windows 7 volume license media to re-image or upgrade an OEM system according to the re-imaging rights in the volume license agreement.

A computer whose ACPI_SLIC table lacks a valid Windows marker generates an error when you try to activate through KMS when you are using a volume edition of Windows Vista or of Windows 7. You cannot activate such a system by using KMS. This is a compliance check for the use of volume media as per the Volume License Agreement. However, you can activate the system by using a multiple activation key (MAK). (You may not be compliant from a licensing scenario when you use a MAK. Contact your licensing specialist to make sure that you are complaint.) Or, you can use a retail key. Alternatively, if you purchased an OEM system that has Windows Vista or Windows 7 installed and activated, you can contact the OEM for more help. Or, you can purchase a new computer that has a Microsoft Windows operating system and an ACPI_SLIC table that has a valid Windows marker.

The MGADiag tool

The MGADiag tool detects and reports BIOS information. However, the BIOS information for the ACPI_SLIC table does not appear in the graphical user interface output. To see the BIOS information, click the Windows tab, click Copy, and then paste the output into Notepad or into another text editor. The output will resemble the following example:

Note: The KMS compliance check only applies to Windows 7 and Windows Vista machines running as KMS clients, it does not apply to Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 machines running as KMS client machines.

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What’s New in the Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number?

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System Requirements for Windows 7 Server Solution EM OEM serial key or number

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