
The Lotto King v2.3 serial key or number
The Lotto King v2.3 serial key or number
Use the steps below if:
- You lost your Physical Security Key
- Your Security Key stopped working for some reason
- You've lost or upgraded the mobile device you had your Security Key installed on
To remove your Security Key from your account:
Go to www.swtor.com and click on Log in.
Enter your display name and your password, leave the Security Key code box blank, and click on Log in.
We’ll ask for your Security Key Code. Under the Security Key code box, click on Lost your Security Key?
Instructions will appear on how to remove your Security Key. After reading them, click Send One-Time Password.
We'll send a One-Time Password to your SW:TOR account’s registered email address.
- If you do not see the email in your inbox after a few minutes, check your spam/junk folders.
Enter the One-Time Password exactly as it appears in your mail into the box on swtor.com and click Continue.
Click Remove my SecurityKey to confirm you want to remove the key from your account.
You’ll see a confirmation message on-screen.
You will no longer need to use your Security Key to log into the game and website, but you may be asked to enter One-Time passwords when logging in.
Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D
テレワーク導入にあたっての全般的な相談窓口 国の取組 テレワークマネージャー事業(総務省)テレワークのノウハウを有する専門家が無料でweb及び電話相談によるコンサルティングを行います。
url: https://www.nttdata-strategy.com/r01telework/
Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D
テレワーク相談センター(厚生労働省)Cramp クランプ クランプ ポケットbag イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D(ショルダーバッグ)|cramp(クランプ)のファッションテレワークに関するさまざまな相談に無償対応。メール及び電話で対応。
url: https://www.tw-sodan.jp/
mail: sodan@japan-telework.or.jp
※働き方改革推進支援助成金 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策のためのテレワークコース及びテレワークコースのご相談・申請受付もテレワーク相談センターで行っています。
url: https://tokyo-telework.jp/
mail: suishin@japan-telework.or.jp
※働き方改革推進支援助成金 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策のためのテレワークコース及びテレワークコースについて、東京都内の企業の方は、東京テレワーク推進センターでもご相談を受け付けています。
地方公共団体の取組 山形働き方改革推進支援センター(山形県)山形働き方改革推進支援センターでは、様々な関係機関と連携し、労務管理等の専門家による電話・メール・来所相談、セミナー等を無料で実施します。
url: http://xn--w8j7lma1stb7206a89qemfn5kzva68hnd98ejx32asvwa.site/
url: https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/womenomics/info/teleworksoudan.html
Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007Dテレワーク導入支援に関する通信事業者等との連携(埼玉県)埼玉県では、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策としてテレワークを導入する県内中小企業を支援するため、通信事業者等と連携しています。
url: http://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/a0802/telework/renkeikyotei.html
url: http://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/a0802/ict-katsuyou/telework.html
url: https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/womenomics/torikumi/review/index.html
url: ショルダーバッグhttp://xn--w8j7lma1stb7206a1rkbxwttan2hddx6ek03h739esvwa.site/
url: https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/koyou/press/2020/koyoumamoru.html
url: http://xn--w8j7lma1stb7206agomeuiornzva68hnd98eqx6l1t0dkeya.site/
- 残業を減らしたい
- 非正規の方の待遇をよくしたい
- 賃金引上げに活用できる国の支援制度を知りたい
- 人手不足に対応するため、どのようにしたらよいか教えてほしい
- 助成金を利用したいが利用できる助成金が分からない
url: http://xn--w8j7lma1stb7206afdqzfb141bzva68hnd98ejx32asvwa.site/
url: https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/roudou/kikaku-roufuku/oshirase/20200508/20200508.html
url: https://www.fisc.jp/consult/sougo/
url: https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/rosei-koy/rosei/r2/telework.html
url: https://www.pref.shimane.lg.jp/industry/employ/rodo_hukusi/ikiiki/
url: https://www.pref.okayama.jp/page/569234.html
url: https://www.pref.hiroshima.lg.jp/site/hint/ict-seminar.html
url: https://www.pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp/cms/a15900/hatarakikata/remotesupport.html
助成金関係 国の取組プラチナ900 ブラックダイヤモンドメンズリング Pt900オシャレリング 一粒ダイヤmen'sアクセサリー 誕生日 記念日 結婚式 ギフト 新生活 在宅 ファッションアンティーク フロアスタンド<キャンパス·ベージュ> 【送料無料】
【7月4日20:00-7月11日1:59!エントリーでポイント10倍】国産スタッドレスタイヤ 単品 275/35R19 YOKOHAMA ヨコハマ ヨコハマ アイスガード IG60A 新品 1本のみ
東洋印刷 LDW16UCF (500シート入)【12箱セット】タックシール 再剥離タイプ·A4 16面付 宛名ラベル ナナワード ナナラベル
【07/01までの激安価格】 【本島送料無料】 クロスバイク 26インチ 自転車 6段変速 カゴ jitensya してぃさいくる じてんしゃ 【クロスバイク 通勤】 クロスバイク 700c T-CCB266-43- 男性 女性 通勤 通学 お買い得価格でご提供 mamatyari ママチャリ ままちゃり オシャレ
Grover Pro Percussion GV-T2GSPH プロジェクションプラス タンバリン
仮面ライダー龍騎 トイザラス限定 変身ベルトVバックル13ライダーセット
【店頭受取限定】【在庫あり】LOUIS GARNEAU ルイガノ LGS-EA20 利便性の高い小径電動アシストバイク
〈cava cava (サヴァサヴァ)〉スクエアトゥフラットシューズ
【DEMIURVO】BIRTH POCHE 背面手帳型スマホケース iPhone11 Pro ストラップ付 / HS-DE104
【gabriele frantzen】2wayゴムベルト
AHLK14 モービルカパーイノックスフライパン
【代引不可】【個人宅配送不可】ESCO(エスコ) -40/+200·C デジタル温度計(伸縮空調·付 EA701BB-102[ESC047932]
Orange Little Bass Thing
花火 噴出花火 『 こぼれる宝石 (グリーン) 』 (288本入り) HNB-FKD-300139-CT 噴出花火 おすすめ 花火 噴出し 噴水 吹出し 子供会 幼稚園 イベント 演出 くじ引き 縁日 お祭り 夏祭り 結婚式 二次会 ビンゴ 景品 ノベルティ 噴出し花火
ヨネックス バドミントン バドミントンシューズ パワークッションインフィニティ レッド YONEX SHBIF-001
【あす楽】 オードムーゲ 薬用ローション 500ml 5本セット 小林製薬 EAUDE MUGE 医薬部外品 肌あれ ニキビ 予防 ローション ふきとり化粧水 肌のお悩み 『5』
スイング分析 ゴルフシミュレーター PHI GOLF WGT EDITION ファイゴルフ WGTエディション
ジョセリン Jocelyn レディース ニット 帽子【Knit Hat With Pastel Multi Fox Pom】Black
夏 サマータイヤ ミシュラン 20インチ 2本 255/40R20 101Y XL パイロットスポーツ3 703760 MICHELIN PILOT SPORT3
三和サインワークス 掲示板 掲示板SC34-B自立 SC34-B ブロンズ(スタンダード型)
CARBONVANI カーボンバーニ ソロシートテール MV AGUSTA F4
KCP グレイスワン 特濃コラーゲン 薬用美白濃潤液 替 200ml×36個 【送料無料】
地域iot実装・共同利用推進事業(総務省)地域の課題解決に資するサテライトオフィス等のテレワーク環境の整備を図る事業に助成 事業費の1/2補助(補助額上限2,000万円)
地方公共団体の取組 とちぎテレワーク環境整備導入支援補助金(栃木県)県内中小企業におけるテレワーク導入に向けた環境整備を一層促進することを目的とし、「とちぎテレワーク環境整備導入支援補助金」の申請を受け付けています。
刺繍レース切り替えプリーツロング 結婚式ワンピース パーティードレスBEAMS GOLF PURPLE LABEL / プリーツ ストライプ スカート
ワッフルドビー6ボタン スラウチダブルジャケット
MCM/エムシーエム/ジップウォレット/ZIPPED WALLET MINI
レディース スーパースキニーフィットストレッチインディゴデニム
[THOUSAND MILE/サウザンド マイル] CORONADO ノースリーブマキシワンピース
スモールチャンキーチェーン ストラップバッグ / Small Chunky Chain Strap Bag
Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D
ウール ラッセルブロックチェック
Crescent Down Works/クレセントダウンワークス/DOWN SWEATER (UN)
CASPER JOHN AIVER スリムアンクルスラックスパンツ
AMOMENTO/アモーメント WRINKLE TOP/クリンクルトップス(クリンクルシャツ、シアートップス)
テレワーク導入助成金(長崎県)働き方改革推進支援助成金の支給決定を受けた県内の中小企業 事業主に、働き方改革推進支援助成金の助成率に応じて助成。
Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D
(上限額 1企業あたり50万円)https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/object/tetsuduki-shinsei/tetsuduki-shinseikankei/439989.html
ict・セキュリティ関係 国の取組 テレワークセキュリティガイドライン(第4版)(総務省)テレワークの導入に当たってのセキュリティ対策についての考え方や対策例を示しています。
就業規則・労務管理等全般 国の取組 テレワーク全般について(テレワーク総合ポータルサイト)(厚生労働省)労務管理等q&a集、テレワークモデル就業規則、テレワーク活用の好事例集、導入・運用ガイドブック等
その他 テレワーク関連情報Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D
国の取組 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策としての在宅型テレワークの実施状況(国土交通省)https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/toshi03_hh_000055.html
地方公共団体の取組 北海道内のサテライトオフィス・テレワーク拠点ガイドマップ(北海道)近年、働き方改革の推進や都心部での混雑緩和のため、首都圏企業を中心にテレワークの実施が推奨されています。
cramp(クランプ)のショルダーバッグ「Cramp クランプ イタリアンシュリンクレザー×キャンバス ポケットbag Cr-5007D」((i)Cr-5007D)を購入できます。https://www.pref.gunma.jp/06/g22g_00161.html#01
お問合わせ連絡先総務省 情報流通行政局 情報流通高度化推進室
tel: 03-5253-5751
fax: 03-5253-6041
※今年度のテレワーク・デイズにつきましては、 方針 がまとまりました。
Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner
Notice of Rate Ceilings
The Consumer Credit Commissioner of Texas has ascertained the following rate ceilings by use of the formulas and methods described in §303.003 and §303.009, Texas Finance Code.
The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 08/03/20 - 08/09/20 is 18% for Consumer1/Agricultural/Commercial2 credit through $250,000.
The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 08/03/20 - 08/09/20 is 18% for Commercial over $250,000.
1 Credit for personal, family or household use.
2 Credit for business, commercial, investment or other similar purpose.
Leslie L. Pettijohn
Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner
Filed: July 28, 2020
Deep East Texas Council of Governments
Public Notice - Request for Proposals
Professional Grant Application and Administration Services
DETCOG is seeking a qualified firm to provide professional grant application and administration services to assist the Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) in its application(s) for, and implementation of, one or more contracts, if awarded, from the GLO's CDBG - MIT program.
Interested responders should refer to DETCOG RFP No. 2020-04. DETCOG intends to negotiate with the successful responder to RFP No. 2020-04 to provide grant application and administration services.
Proposals will be scored on the basis of:
Experience - (35%)
Work Performance - (30%)
Capacity to Perform - (20%)
Proposal Costs - (15%)
DETCOG reserves the right to reject all proposals or negotiate with any or all individuals and firms that submit proposals.
Complete details of RFP No. 2020-4 and Conditions for Submittal can be found at: https://www.detcog.gov/rfps-rfqs
The closing of this RFP is 4 p.m. CDT, Wednesday, August 19, 2020.
Any questions or requests for clarifications must be submitted in writing via EMAIL to respond@detcog.gov no later than August 14, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. CDT.
DETCOG is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Lonnie Hunt
Executive Director
Deep East Texas Council of Governments
Filed: July 28, 2020
Public Notice - Request for Proposals Regional Rural Broadband Network Project Manager RFP Number: 2020-03
Regional Rural Broadband Network Project Manager
DETCOG is seeking a qualified individual or firm to manage its Regional Rural Broadband Project.
Interested responders should refer to DETCOG RFP No. 2020-03. DETCOG intends to negotiate a contract with the successful responder to RFP No. 2020-03 to provide broadband project management services.
Proposals will be scored on the basis of:
Responsiveness to Proposal - (Pass/Fail)
Qualifications, Experience & Capabilities - (50%)
Methodology and Approach - (30%)
Project Management, Organizational Structure & Key Personnel - (20%)
DETCOG Reserves the right to reject all proposals or negotiate with any or all individuals and firms that submit proposals.
Complete details of RFP No. 2020-3 and Conditions for Submittal can be found at: https://www.detcog.gov/rfps-rfqs.
The closing of this RFP is 4:30 p.m. CDT, Friday, August 14, 2020.
Any questions or requests for clarifications must be submitted in writing via EMAIL to respond@detcog.gov no later than Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. CDT.
DETCOG is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Lonnie Hunt
Executive Director
Deep East Texas Council of Governments
Filed: July 28, 2020
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Agreed Orders
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) staff is providing an opportunity for written public comment on the listed Agreed Orders (AOs) in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), §7.075. TWC, §7.075, requires that before the commission may approve the AOs, the commission shall allow the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed AOs. TWC, §7.075, requires that notice of the proposed orders and the opportunity to comment must be published in the Texas Register no later than the 30th day before the date on which the public comment period closes, which in this case is September 08, 2020. TWC, §7.075, also requires that the commission promptly consider any written comments received and that the commission may withdraw or withhold approval of an AO if a comment discloses facts or considerations that indicate that consent is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the requirements of the statutes and rules within the commission's jurisdiction or the commissions orders and permits issued in accordance with the commission's regulatory authority. Additional notice of changes to a proposed AO is not required to be published if those changes are made in response to written comments.
A copy of each proposed AO is available for public inspection at both the commissions central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building C, 1st Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-2545 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 08, 2020. Written comments may also be sent by facsimile machine to the enforcement coordinator at (512) 239-2550. The commission's enforcement coordinators are available to discuss the AOs and/or the comment procedure at the listed phone numbers; however, TWC, §7.075, provides that comments on the AOs shall be submitted to the commission in writing.
(1) COMPANY: AANI Diamond 002 LLC dba TX0313 Yumm Market; DOCKET NUMBER: 2019-1803-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102373545; LOCATION: Uvalde, Uvalde County; TYPE OF FACILITY: convenience store with retail sales of gasoline; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.50(b)(1)(A) and TWC, §26.3475(c)(1), by failing to monitor the underground storage tank (UST) system for releases at a frequency of at least once every 30 days; and 30 TAC §334.602(a), by failing to identify and designate for the UST facility at least one named individual for each class of operator, Class A, Class B, and Class C; PENALTY: $4,500; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Miles Wehner, (512) 239-2813; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 490-3096.
(2) COMPANY: Aqua Utilities, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0343-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101206605; LOCATION: Canyon Lake, Comal County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.39(j) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0351, by failing to notify the executive director prior to making any significant change or addition to the systems production, treatment, storage, pressure maintenance, or distribution facilities; and 30 TAC §290.42(l), by failing to maintain a thorough and up-to-date plant operations manual for operator review and reference; PENALTY: $207; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Samantha Duncan, (512) 239-2511; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 490-3096.
(3) COMPANY: Aqua Utilities, Incorporated (PCW Number 1); DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0301-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102343175; LOCATION: Livingston, Polk County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(1)(F), by failing to obtain a sanitary control easement covering land within 150 feet of the facility's two wells; 30 TAC §290.42(e)(4)(A), by failing to provide a full-face self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied air respirator that meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards for construction and operation, and a small bottle of fresh ammonia solution (or approved equal) for testing for chlorine leakage that are readily accessible outside the chlorinator room and immediately available to the operator in the event of an emergency; 30 TAC §290.42(l), by failing to maintain a thorough and up-to-date plant operations manual for operator review and reference; 30 TAC §290.45(b)(1)(D)(iv) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to provide a pressure tank capacity of 20 gallons per connection; 30 TAC §290.46(f)(2) and (3)(A)(i)(II), (ii)(IV), and (iv), (B)(iv), and (E)(iv), by failing to maintain water works operation and maintenance records and make them readily available for review by the executive director upon request; 30 TAC §290.46(l), by failing to flush all dead-end mains at monthly intervals; 30 TAC §290.46(m), by failing to initiate maintenance and housekeeping practices to ensure the good working condition and general appearance of the system's facilities and equipment; 30 TAC §290.46(q)(1), by failing to issue a boil water notification to the customers of the facility using the applicable language and prescribed format specified in 30 TAC §290.47(c)(1); 30 TAC §290.110(c), by failing to monitor the performance of the disinfection facilities at sites designated in the public water system's monitoring plan; and 30 TAC §290.110(c)(4)(B), by failing to monitor the disinfectant residual at representative locations in the distribution system at least once per day; PENALTY: $6,850; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Aaron Vincent, (512) 239-0855; REGIONAL OFFICE: 3870 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, Texas 77703-1830, (409) 898-3838.
(4) COMPANY: BROOKS, BEN; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0637-OSS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN110029139; LOCATION: Ozona, Crockett County; TYPE OF FACILITY: operator; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §30.5(a), by failing to obtain a required occupational license; PENALTY: $175; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Katelyn Tubbs, (512) 239-2512; REGIONAL OFFICE: 622 South Oakes, Suite K, San Angelo, Texas 76903-7035, (325) 655-9479.
(5) COMPANY: City of Lago Vista; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0639-WQ-E; IDENTIFIER: RN110977162; LOCATION: Lago Vista, Travis County; TYPE OF FACILITY: operator; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §281.25(a)(4), by failing to obtain a construction general permit (stormwater); PENALTY: $875; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Herbert Darling, (512) 239-2520; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711, (512) 339-2929.
(6) COMPANY: Corner Market 80, L.L.C.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0575-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102375664; LOCATION: Mesquite, Dallas County; TYPE OF FACILITY: convenience store with retail sales of gasoline; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.50(b)(1)(A) and TWC, §26.3475(c)(1), by failing to monitor the underground storage tanks for releases in a manner which will detect a release at a frequency of at least once every 30 days; PENALTY: $3,375; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Harley Hobson, (512) 239-1337; REGIONAL OFFICE: 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76118-6951, (817) 588-5800.
(7) COMPANY: Corrigan OSB, L.L.C.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2019-1600-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN107922510; LOCATION: Corrigan, Polk County; TYPE OF FACILITY: oriented strandboard production; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §§101.20(3), 116.115(b)(2)(F) and (c), and 122.143(4), New Source Review Permit Numbers 128854, PSDTX1446, and GHGPSDTX128, Special Conditions Numbers 1 and 11, Federal Operating Permit Number O3779, General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions Number 10, and Texas Health and Safety Code, §382.085(b), by failing to comply with the maximum dryer and press throughput rates and the maximum allowable emissions rates; PENALTY: $81,000; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Toni Red, (512) 239-1704; REGIONAL OFFICE: 3870 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, Texas 77703-1830, (409) 898-3838.
(8) COMPANY: Enterprise Products Operating LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0461-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102323268; LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, Chambers County; TYPE OF FACILITY: natural gas processing; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §§101.20(3), 116.115(b)(2)(F) and (c), and 122.143(4), New Source Review Permit Numbers 100091, PSDTX1286, and N154, Special Conditions Number 1, Federal Operating Permit Number O3557, General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions Number 6, and Texas Health and Safety Code, §382.085(b), by failing to comply with the maximum allowable emissions rate; PENALTY: $13,125; SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OFFSET AMOUNT: $5,250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Amanda Diaz, (512) 239-2601; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.
(9) COMPANY: H4WR Phase 3A, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0492-EAQ-E; IDENTIFIER: RN110496593; LOCATION: Georgetown, Williamson County; TYPE OF FACILITY: single-family residential project; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §213.4(j) and Edwards Aquifer Pollution Plan Number 11001330, Standard Conditions Number 6, by failing to obtain approval of a modification to an approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan prior to commencing a regulated activity over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone; PENALTY: $1,250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Amanda Conner, (512) 239-2521; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 339-2929.
(10) COMPANY: HARVEY'S LP GAS COMPANY; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0535-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN105213961; LOCATION: Los Fresnos, Cameron County; TYPE OF FACILITY: convenience store with retail sales of gasoline; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.10(b)(2), by failing to assure that all underground storage tank (UST) recordkeeping requirements are met; 30 TAC §334.50(b)(1)(A) and TWC, §26.3475(c)(1), by failing to monitor the UST for releases in a manner which will detect a release at a frequency of at least once every 30 days; 30 TAC §334.72 and §334.50(d)(9)(A)(v), by failing to report a suspected release to the TCEQ within 24 hours of discovery, and failing to report a suspected release to the TCEQ within 72 hours of discovery; and 30 TAC §334.74, by failing to investigate and confirm all suspected releases of regulated substances requiring reporting under 30 TAC §334.72 (relating to Reporting of Suspected Releases) within 30 days; PENALTY: $13,801; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Karolyn Kent, (512) 239-2536; REGIONAL OFFICE: 1804 West Jefferson Avenue, Harlingen, Texas 78550-5247, (956) 425-6010.
(11) COMPANY: Holcim (US) Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0613-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN100219286; LOCATION: Midlothian, Ellis County; TYPE OF FACILITY: cement manufacturing plant; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §§101.20(3), 116.115(c), and 122.143(4), New Source Review Permit Numbers 8996 and PSDTX454M4, Special Conditions Number 1, Federal Operating Permit (FOP) Number O1046, General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and Special Terms and Conditions (STC) Number 11, and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §382.085(b), by failing to prevent unauthorized emissions; and 30 TAC §101.201(b)(1)(G) and (H) and §122.143(4), FOP Number O1046, GTC and STC Number 2.F, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to identify all required information on the final record for a reportable emissions event; PENALTY: $7,426; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Richard Garza, (512) 239-2697; REGIONAL OFFICE: 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76118-6951, (817) 588-5800.
(12) COMPANY: LaBarge Realty, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0422-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN106871452; LOCATION: Channelview, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.42(b)(1) and (e)(3), by failing to provide disinfection facilities for the groundwater supply for the purpose of microbiological control and distribution protection; 30 TAC §290.46(n)(1), by failing to maintain at the facility accurate and up-to-date detailed as-built plans or record drawings and specifications for each treatment plant, pump station, and storage tank until the facility is decommissioned; and 30 TAC §290.46(n)(3), by failing to keep on file copies of well completion data as defined in 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A) for as long as the well remains in service; PENALTY: $1,063; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Steven Hall, (512) 239-2569; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.
(13) COMPANY: Marathon Petroleum Company LP; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0138-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102535077; LOCATION: Texas City, Galveston County; TYPE OF FACILITY: petrochemical refinery; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §116.715(a) and §122.143(4), Flexible Permit Number 22433, Special Conditions Number 1, Federal Operating Permit Number O1380, General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions Number 21, and Texas Health and Safety Code, §382.085(b), by failing to prevent unauthorized emissions; PENALTY: $13,125; SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OFFSET AMOUNT: $5,250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Johnnie Wu, (512) 239-2524; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.
(14) COMPANY: RANCHO DEL LAGO, INCORPORATED; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0018-MWD-E; IDENTIFIER: RN106482029; LOCATION: Blanco, Blanco County; TYPE OF FACILITY: wastewater treatment plant; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §30.350(d) and §305.125(1) and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit Number WQ0015051001, Special Provisions Number 2, by failing to employ or contract with one or more licensed wastewater treatment facility operators or wastewater system operations companies holding a valid Class C license or higher; 30 TAC §217.6(c) and §305.125(1) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Special Provisions Number 4, by failing to submit to the TCEQ Wastewater Permitting Section a summary transmittal letter for the Facility within 60 days from the date of permit issuance of August 14, 2014; 30 TAC §217.33(a) and §305.125(1) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Monitoring Requirements Number 5, by failing to annually calibrate all automatic flow measuring or recording devices and all totalizing meters for measuring flow; 30 TAC §217.7(b)(2) and §217.282, by failing to obtain approval to utilize any chemical disinfection not discussed in 30 TAC Chapter 217; 30 TAC §217.330(b), by failing to test the reduced-pressure backflow assembly annually; 30 TAC §305.65 and §305.125(1) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Permit Conditions Number 4, by failing to submit a permit renewal application at least 180 days before the expiration date of the effective permit; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Special Provisions Number 5, by failing to provide written notice to TCEQ Region 11 Office and the TCEQ Applications Review and Processing Team of the Water Quality Division in writing at least 45 days prior to plant startup or anticipated discharge, whichever occurs first; 30 TAC §217.155(b)(4)(C) and (D) and §305.125(1) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Operational Requirements Number 1, by failing to ensure the Facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, and disposal are properly operated and maintained; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (7) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Special Provision Numbers 22 and 23, by failing to provide certification by a Texas Licensed Professional Engineer that the completed pond lining meets the appropriate criteria prior to utilization; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (7) and §305.126(b) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Permit Conditions Number 2.e, by failing to give notice to the executive director before physical alterations or additions were made to the Facility; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and §309.13(c)(3) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Special Provision Numbers 6 and 7, by failing to ensure the Facility is not located closer than 500 feet from a public water well; and 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (11)(B) and §319.7(c) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0015051001, Monitoring Requirements Number 3.b, by failing to maintain monitoring and reporting records at the Facility and make them readily available for review by a TCEQ representative for a period of three years; PENALTY: $45,417; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Stephanie Frederick, (512) 239-1001; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 339-2929.
(15) COMPANY: SWWC Utilities, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2019-1625-MWD-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101717791; LOCATION: Pflugerville, Travis County; TYPE OF FACILITY: wastewater treatment facility; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §305.125(1), TWC, §26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit Number WQ0011931001, Permit Conditions Number 2.d, by failing to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (5) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0011931001, Operational Requirements Number 1, by failing to ensure the facility and all of its systems of collection, treatment, and disposal are properly operated and maintained; and 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (5), TWC, §26.121(a)(1), and TPDES Permit Number WQ0011931001, Permit Conditions Number 2.g, by failing to prevent an unauthorized discharge of sewage into or adjacent to any water in the state; PENALTY: $51,498; SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OFFSET AMOUNT: $25,749; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Steven Van Landingham, (512) 239-5717; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 339-2929.
(16) COMPANY: The Lubrizol Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2019-1754-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101058410; LOCATION: Pasadena, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: chemical manufacturing plant; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), New Source Review Permit Number 1685, Special Conditions Numbers 1 and 5, Federal Operating Permit Number O1582, General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions Number 14, and Texas Health and Safety Code, §382.085(b), by failing to prevent unauthorized emissions and failing to route vapor emissions from the tanks to the vapor oxidizer; PENALTY: $3,413; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Danielle Porras, (713) 767-3682; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.
(17) COMPANY: The Quikrete Companies, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2018-1411-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN100760396; LOCATION: Alvarado, Johnson County; TYPE OF FACILITY: dry concrete bagging plant; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §101.4 and §116.115(b)(2)(G) and (c), New Source Review (NSR) Permit Number 31489, General Conditions (GC) Number 9 and Special Conditions Number 14, and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §382.085(a) and (b), by failing to spray all roads, active work areas, and aggregate stockpiles with water upon detection of visible particulate matter emissions and failed to prevent nuisance dust conditions; 30 TAC §101.4 and THSC, §382.085(a) and (b), by failing to prevent nuisance conditions; 30 TAC §116.115(b)(2)(E), NSR Permit Number 31489, GC Number 7, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to maintain a copy of the permit along with records containing the information and data sufficient to demonstrate compliance; and 30 TAC §116.115(b)(2)(G), NSR Permit Number 31489, GC Number 9, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to maintain capture and abatement equipment in good working order and operating properly during normal facility operations; PENALTY: $13,812; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Margarita Dennis, (817) 588-5892; REGIONAL OFFICE: 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76118-6951, (817) 588-5800.
(18) COMPANY: Troy G. Waller dba Rockwell Acres Water System; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0446-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101451565; LOCATION: Amarillo, Randall County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.108(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 15 picoCuries per liter for gross alpha particle activity based on the running annual average; and 30 TAC §291.76 and TWC, §5.702, by failing to pay regulatory assessment fees for the TCEQ Public Utility Account regarding Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Number 11759 for calendar year 2019; PENALTY: $975; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Amanda Conner, (512) 239-2521; REGIONAL OFFICE: 3918 Canyon Drive, Amarillo, Texas 79109-4933, (806) 353-9251.
(19) COMPANY: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston; DOCKET NUMBER: 2020-0602-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101921138; LOCATION: Galveston, Galveston County; TYPE OF FACILITY: medical research facility; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §§101.20(1), 116.115(c), and 122.143(4), 40 Code of Federal Regulations §60.56c(f)(6), New Source Review Permit Number 18655, Special Conditions Number 2.B, Federal Operating Permit Number O1531, General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions Number 12, and Texas Health and Safety Code, §382.085(b), by failing to prevent the use of the bypass stack for the medical waste incinerator equipped with a wet scrubber; PENALTY: $11,700; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Danielle Porras, (713) 767-3682; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.
(20) COMPANY: VEREIT REAL ESTATE, L.P.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2019-1134-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN106882061; LOCATION: Lubbock, Lubbock County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(1)(F), by failing to obtain a sanitary control easement covering land within 150 feet of the facility's well; 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A), by failing to submit well completion data for review and approval prior to placing the facility's drinking water well into service; 30 TAC §290.46(s)(1), by failing to calibrate the facility's well meter at least once every three years; and 30 TAC §290.106(f)(2) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.031(a), by failing to comply with the acute maximum contaminant level of ten milligrams per liter for nitrate; PENALTY: $2,620; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Miles Wehner, (512) 239-2813; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5012 50th Street, Suite 100, Lubbock, Texas 79414-3426, (806) 796-7092.
Charmaine Backens
Director, Litigation Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 28, 2020
Enforcement Orders
A default order was adopted regarding P&U King Corporation dba Quick Track 7, Docket No. 2017‑1650‑PST‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $4,946 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Ian Groetsch, Staff Attorney at (512) 239‑3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding CIRCLE K STORES INC. dba Circle K Store 2706981, Docket No. 2018‑0227‑PST‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $48,302 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Clayton Smith, Staff Attorney at (512) 239‑3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Apex Blasting, Inc., Docket No. 2018‑1084‑IHW‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $48,750 in administrative penalties with $9,750 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Danielle Porras, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Mort Roszell Rentals Limited Liability Company, Docket No. 2018‑1544‑MLM‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $33,013 in administrative penalties with $6,602 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Had Darling, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding the City of Manor, Docket No. 2019‑0260‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $54,938 in administrative penalties with $10,987 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Had Darling, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding CLIFTON FOOD MART, L.L.C. dba Clifton Food Mart, Docket No. 2019‑0361‑PST‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $31,500 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Clayton Smith, Staff Attorney at (512) 239‑3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
A default order was adopted regarding Rapid Marine Fuels, LLC, Docket No. 2019‑0438‑MLM‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $50,875 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Ryan Rutledge, Staff Attorney at (512) 239‑3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
A default order was adopted regarding Andra J. Odom, Docket No. 2019‑0538‑MLM‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $2,722 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Audrey Liter, Staff Attorney at (512) 239‑3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding INVISTA S.a r.l., Docket No. 2019‑0748‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $39,359 in administrative penalties with $7,871 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Johnnie Wu, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding ISP Technologies Inc., Docket No. 2019‑0838‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $27,375 in administrative penalties with $5,475 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Richard Garza, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding the City of Laredo, Docket No. 2019‑0881‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $42,600 in administrative penalties with $8,520 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Abigail Lindsey, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Jon David Stover, Docket No. 2019‑0997‑WQ‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $22,125 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Steven Van Landingham, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding BAHRAMI ENTERPRISES L‑L‑C dba Minit Mart, Docket No. 2019‑1016‑PST‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $12,538 in administrative penalties with $2,507 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Carlos Molina, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Midcoast G & P (East Texas) L.P., Docket No. 2019‑1167‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $25,000 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Richard Garza, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Chris Harp Construction Limited Liability Company, Docket No. 2019‑1275‑MLM‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $25,307 in administrative penalties with $5,061 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Stephanie McCurley, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Midcoast G & P (East Texas) L.P., Docket No. 2019‑1311‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $26,431 in administrative penalties with $5,286 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Richard Garza, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding TXI Operations, LP Docket No. 2019‑1431‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $7,875 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Mackenzie Mehlmann, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Lucite International, Inc., Docket No. 2019‑1436‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $15,000 in administrative penalties with $3,000 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Mackenzie Mehlmann, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Ronnie W. Sharp dba Chipper Point Apartments, Docket No. 2019‑1506‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $737 in administrative penalties with $390 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Duncan, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Phillips 66 Gulf Coast Properties LLC and Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC, Docket No. 2019‑1540‑IWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $19,350 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Abigail Lindsey, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Starrville Water Supply Corporation, Docket No. 2019‑1631‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $1,725 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Salas, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding PRINTPACK, INC., Docket No. 2019‑1639‑IWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $16,312 in administrative penalties with $3,262 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Stephanie Frederick, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA, Inc., Docket No. 2019‑1645‑AIR‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $59,064 in administrative penalties with $11,812 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Mackenzie Mehlmann, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding HAMPTON COMMERCIAL, INC dba Hampton Food Mart, Docket No. 2019‑1651‑PST‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $13,500 in administrative penalties with $2,700 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tyler Richardson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Edwards Construction, Docket No. 2019‑1667‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $10,938 in administrative penalties with $2,187 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Alejandro Laje, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding HARLETON WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION, Docket No. 2019‑1668‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $1,635 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Amanda Conner, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Lake Fork Water Supply Corp., Docket No. 2019‑1677‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $1,605 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Jáce Willis, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding TABORCA PROPERTIES, LLC, Docket No. 2019‑1706‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $345 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Duncan, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Aqua Texas, Inc., Docket No. 2019‑1711‑PWS‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $405 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Amanda Conner, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding the City of Chico, Docket No. 2019‑1712‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $15,075 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Stephanie Frederick, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding the City of Fort Worth, Docket No. 2019‑1720‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $13,125 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Stephanie Frederick, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
An agreed order was adopted regarding Trinity River Authority of Texas, Docket No. 2019‑1722‑MWD‑E on July 29, 2020 assessing $5,625 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Harley Hobson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239‑2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711‑3087.
Bridget C. Bohac
Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 29, 2020
Notice of Correction to Agreed Order Number 12 In the March 6, 2020, issue of the Texas Register (45 TexReg 1727), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (commission) published notice of Agreed Orders, specifically Item Number 12, for K&N MANAGEMENT, INCORPORATED dba Rudy's Country Store & BBQ, Docket Number 2019-1545-PST-E. The error is as submitted by the commission.
The reference to the Company should be corrected to read: "K&N MANAGEMENT dba Rudy's Country Store & BBQ."
For questions concerning these errors, please contact Michael Parrish at (512) 239-2548.
Charmaine Backens
Director, Litigation Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 28, 2020
Notice of Public Meeting on an Application for a Water Use Permit: Application No. 13404
The City of Wichita Falls seeks authorization to construct and maintain a 275,000 acre-foot capacity reservoir, Lake Ringgold, on the Little Wichita River, Red River Basin. Applicant also seeks to divert 65,000 acre-feet of water per year from Lake Ringgold for multiple purposes within its service area. Applicant further seeks to use the bed and banks of the Little Wichita River (Lake Arrowhead) to convey return flows and the 65,000 acre-feet of water for subsequent diversion and use. More information on the application and how to participate in the permitting process is given below.
APPLICATION. City of Wichita Falls, 1300 7th Street, Wichita Falls, Texas 76307, Applicant, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a Water Use Permit pursuant to Texas Water Code §§11.121, 11.042 and TCEQ Rules Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §§295.1, et seq. Notice is being published and mailed to the water right holders of record in the Red River Basin pursuant to Title 30 TAC §295.151.
Applicant seeks a Water Use Permit to construct and maintain a 275,000 acre-foot capacity reservoir (Lake Ringgold) on the Little Wichita River, tributary of the Red River, Red River Basin with the centerline of the dam being at Latitude 33.8962900°N, Longitude 97.9929801°W, Zip Code 76261, in Clay County.
Applicant also seeks to divert and use not to exceed 65,000 acre-feet of water per year from anywhere along the perimeter of Lake Ringgold, at a maximum diversion rate of 139.79 cfs (62,770 gpm), for municipal, industrial, mining and agricultural purposes within the Applicant's service area in Archer, Clay and Wichita counties.
Lake Arrowhead is authorized under Applicant's Certificate of Adjudication No. 02-5150, as amended.
Applicant also seeks to authorize the use of the bed and banks of the Little Wichita River (Lake Arrowhead), Red River Basin to convey up to 65,000 acre-feet of water per year for subsequent diversion and use for municipal, industrial, mining, and agricultural purposes.
Applicant is authorized to divert surface water-based return flows authorized by TPDES Permit No. WQ0010509001 under Certificate of Adjudication No. 02-5150C.
Applicant further seeks authorization to use the bed and banks of the Little Wichita River (Lake Arrowhead) to convey the return flows generated from the diversion and use of water originating from Lake Ringgold for subsequent diversion and use pursuant to the authorization to reuse return flows included in Certificate of Adjudication No. 02-5150C.
Applicant indicates water diverted from Lake Ringgold may be delivered via pipeline and discharged, at a maximum discharge rate of 139.79 cfs (62,770 gpm), anywhere along the perimeter of Lake Arrowhead in Archer and Clay counties, Zip Code 76379.
Applicant indicates the water diverted from Lake Ringgold and discharged into Lake Arrowhead will be subsequently diverted, at a maximum diversion rate of 139.79 cfs (62,770 gpm), from anywhere along the perimeter of Lake Arrowhead in Archer and Clay counties and from an existing point on Lake Arrowhead, at a maximum diversion rate of 93 cfs (41,850 gpm), being at Latitude 33.763707°N, Longitude 98.370091°W in Clay County, Zip Code 76379.
Applicant indicates that diversions from Lake Ringgold may overdraft the firm yield of the reservoir as part of a system operation with Applicant's existing water supplies.
The application is subject to the obligations of the State of Texas pursuant to the terms of the Red River Compact.
The application and partial fees were received on June 27, 2017. Additional information and fees were received July 7, July 10, and August 7, 2017. The application was declared administratively complete and filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk on August 10, 2017. Additional information was received on October 13, October 16, 2017, October 23, November 16, 2018 and June 4, 2019.
The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if granted, would contain special conditions including, but not limited to, mitigation, monitoring, and accounting plan requirements. The application and Executive Director's draft permit are available for viewing and copying at the Office of the Chief Clerk, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building F., Austin, Texas 78753.
PUBLIC COMMENT / PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. A public meeting will be held and will consist of two parts, an Informal Discussion Period and a Formal Comment Period. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing under the Administrative Procedure Act. During the Informal Discussion Period, the public is encouraged to ask questions of the applicant and TCEQ staff concerning the permit application and the Executive Director's recommendations, but the comments and questions submitted orally during the Informal Discussion Period will not be considered by the Commissioners and no formal response will be made. Responses will be provided orally during the Informal Discussion Period. During the Formal Comment Period, members of the public may state their formal comments orally into the official record. The Executive Director will subsequently summarize the formal comments and prepare a written response which will be considered by the Commissioners before they reach a decision on the application. The Executive Director's written response will be available to the public online or upon request. The public comment period on this application concludes at the close of the public meeting.
The Public Meeting is to be held:
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Members of the public who would like to ask questions or provide comments during the meeting may access the meeting via webcast by following this link: https://www.gotomeeting.com/webinar/join-webinar and entering Webinar ID 483-175-187. It is recommended that you join the webinar and register for the public meeting at least 15 minutes before the meeting begins. You will be given the option to use your computer audio or to use your phone for participating in the webinar.
Those without internet access may call (512) 239-1201 at least one day prior to the meeting for assistance in accessing the meeting and participating telephonically. Members of the public who wish to only listen to the meeting may call, toll free, (914) 614-3221 and enter access code 986-986-971. Additional information will be available on the agency calendar of events at the following link: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/agency/decisions/hearings/calendar.html.
INFORMATION. Citizens are encouraged to submit written comments anytime during the public meeting. Citizens may mail their comments to the Office of the Chief Clerk, TCEQ, Mail Code MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or submit them electronically at http://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ by entering WRPERM 13404 in the search field before the public comment period closes. If you need more information about the permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, toll free, at (800) 687-4040. General information can be found at our Web site at www.tceq.texas.gov. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (800) 687-4040.
Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations at the meeting should call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 or (800) RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the meeting.
Issued: July 22, 2020
Bridget C. Bohac
Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 29, 2020
Notice of Public Meeting on Proposed Remedial Action
Notice of a virtual public meeting on September 17, 2020, concerning the proposed remedial action at the McBay Oil and Gas state Superfund site in Grapeland, Texas (the site).
The public meeting will be held for the purpose of obtaining additional information regarding the facility and the identification of additional potentially responsible parties and to invite public comment concerning the proposed remedy for the site. The public meeting is not a contested case hearing under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001.
The executive director (ED) of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) issues this public notice of the proposed remedy for the site. In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, §361.187 and 30 Texas Administrative Code §335.349(a), a public meeting regarding the TCEQ's selection of a proposed remedy for the site shall be held. This notice was also published in the Grapeland Messenger and the Houston County Courier on August 6, 2020.
This meeting was originally scheduled for April 9, 2020, but was postponed. On March 16, 2020, in accordance with Texas Government Code, §418.016, Governor Abbott suspended various provisions of the Open Meetings Act that require government officials and members of the public to be physically present at a specified meeting location. Pursuant to that suspension, the public will not be able to attend the public meeting in person but may attend via the Microsoft Live application at no cost.
The public meeting will be held on September 17, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. This public meeting can be accessed through a Microsoft Live link and access code. Both the link, access code, and reference documents for the public meeting will be available by August 7, 2020 at the TCEQ's website, accessible at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/remediation/superfund/state/mcbay.html.
The site was proposed for listing on the state registry of Superfund sites in the July 25, 1986, issue of the Texas Register (11 TexReg 3421) and listed on the state registry of Superfund sites in the January 16, 1987, issue of the Texas Register (12 TexReg 205). On August 12, 1999, commercial/industrial land use was selected for remediation of the site.
The site is located on Farm-to-Market Road (FM) 1272, two miles west of the intersection with FM 2968 (North Olive Street), Grapeland, Texas, in a rural area of Houston County. The site is approximately 20 acres in size. A facility operated on the site until 1987, and at different times was an oil processing facility, an oil refinery, and an oil reclamation facility.
The TCEQ completed its investigation of the site and documented the results in an Affected Property Assessment Report. Groundwater contamination consisting of total petroleum hydrocarbons and several aromatic hydrocarbon contaminants is present on- and off-site in the uppermost groundwater-bearing unit, the Sparta Formation, which occurs approximately 22 to 50 feet below the ground surface.
The TCEQ has also completed a Focused Feasibility Study that evaluated remedial alternatives for remediating the site groundwater according to the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rules. The process used to evaluate the remedial alternatives and the proposed remedy are documented in the Proposed Remedial Action Document (PRAD), which is available at the TCEQ's website, accessible at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/remediation/superfund/state/mcbay.html. The proposed remedy is an on- and off-site Plume Management Zone (PMZ). The PMZ will be established with institutional controls filed in county real property records in accordance with TRRP. Institutional controls will remain in place until it is demonstrated that chemicals of concern in groundwater no longer exceed the applicable Protective Concentration Levels.
All persons desiring to comment may do so prior to or at the meeting. All comments submitted prior to the meeting must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 16, 2020, and should be sent in writing to Sherell Heidt, Project Manager, TCEQ, Remediation Division, MC 136, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, or via email at Sherell.Heidt@tceq.texas.gov or by facsimile at (512) 239-2450. The public comment period for this action will end at the close of the public meeting on September 17, 2020. Please be aware that any contact information provided, including name, phone number, email address, and physical address will become part of the agency's public record.
Site documents are also available for review at the J.H. Wootters Crockett Public Library, located at 709 East Houston Avenue in Crockett, Texas, (936) 544-3089, and the Grapeland Public Library, located at 212 North Oak Street in Grapeland, Texas, (936) 987-3425. Please contact the libraries directly for their hours of operation. Should additional assistance be needed in obtaining documents for the site, contact John Flores at (800) 633-9363 or email your request to superfnd@tceq.texas.gov.
Persons who have special communication or other accommodation needs who are planning to attend the meeting should contact the agency at (800) 633-9363 or (512) 239-5906. Requests should be made at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
For further information about the site or the public meeting, please call John Flores, TCEQ Community Relations, at (800) 633-9363.
Charmaine Backens
Director, Litigation Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 28, 2020
Notice of Water Rights Application
Notice issued July 22, 2020
APPLICATION NO. 3651B; Christina W. McCullough & Joe Mark McCullough, 1850 County Road 216, Comanche, Texas 76442, Applicants, seeks to amend a portion Certificate of Adjudication No. 12-3651 to change the place of use and to add a diversion segment along the Leon River, Brazos River Basin in Comanche County. The application does not request a new appropriation of water. More information on the application and how to participate in the permitting process is given below. The application and partial fees were received on October 26, 2018. Additional information and fees were received on January 28, 2019. The application was declared administratively complete and filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk on February 22, 2019.
The Executive Director completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft amendment. The draft amendment, if granted, would include special conditions including, but not limited to, installation of a measuring device for diversions. The application, technical memoranda, and Executive Director's draft amendment are available for viewing on the TCEQ web page at: www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/water_rights/wr-permitting/wr-apps-pub-notice. Alternatively, you may request a copy of the documents by contacting the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk by phone at (512) 239-3300 or by mail at TCEQ OCC, Notice Team (MC-105), P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711. Written public comments and requests for a public meeting should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, at the address provided in the information section below, by August 10, 2020. To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) applicant's name and amendment number; (3) the statement "[I/we] request a contested case hearing;" (4) a brief and specific description of how you would be affected by the application in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the proposed activity. You may also submit proposed conditions for the requested amendment which would satisfy your concerns. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below.
If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not issue the amendment and will forward the application and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
Written hearing requests, public comments, or requests for a public meeting should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at https://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ by entering ADJ 3651 in the search field. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Public Education Program at (800) 687-4040. General information regarding the TCEQ can be found at our web site at www.tceq.texas.gov. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (800) 687-4040 o por el internet al http://www.tceq.texas.gov.
Bridget C. Bohac
Chief Clerk
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 29, 2020
Update to the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) requests comments from the public on the draft July 2020 Update to the WQMP for the State of Texas.
Download the draft July 2020 WQMP Update at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/wqmp/WQmanagement_updates.html or view a printed copy at the TCEQ Library, Building A, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin, Texas. Please periodically check the following website for updates, in the event the TCEQ Library is closed due to COVID-19 restrictions: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/wqmp/WQmanagement_comment.html.
The WQMP is developed and promulgated in accordance with the requirements of Federal Clean Water Act, §208. The draft update includes projected effluent limits of specific domestic dischargers, which may be useful for planning in future permit actions. The draft update may also contain service area populations for listed wastewater treatment facilities, designated management agency information, and total maximum daily load (TMDL) revisions.
Once the commission certifies a WQMP update, it is submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval. For some Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permits, the EPA's approval of a corresponding WQMP update is a necessary precondition to TPDES permit issuance by the commission.
All comments must be received at the TCEQ no later than 5:00 p.m. September 8, 2020.
How to Submit Comments
Comments must be submitted in writing to:
Nancy Vignali Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division, MC 150, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087
Comments may also be faxed to (512) 239-4420 or emailed to Nancy Vignali at Nancy.Vignali@tceq.texas.gov, but must be followed up with written comments by mail within five working days of the fax or email date or by the comment deadline, whichever is sooner.
For further information, or questions, please contact Ms. Vignali at (512) 239-1303 or by email at Nancy.Vignali@tceq.texas.gov.
Robert Martinez
Director, Litigation Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Filed: July 28, 2020
General Land Office
Correction of Error
The Texas General Land Office adopted amendments to 31 TAC §§19.12 - 19.14, 19.16 and 19.18 in the July 31, 2020, issue of the Texas Register (45 TexReg 5364). Due to an error by the Texas Register, the proposal publication date and effective date were mistakenly omitted. The original publication of the proposed amendments was in the February 7, 2020, issue of the Texas Register (45 TexReg 862). The effective date of the adoption is August 9, 2020.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Public Notice - Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance Amendments
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announces its intent to submit amendments to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. The amendments are proposed to be effective September 1, 2020.
The purpose of the amendments is to update the fee schedules in the current state plan by adjusting fees, rates, or charges for the following services:
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC);
Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS);
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT);
Physicians and Other Practitioners; and
Vision Care.
The proposed amendments are estimated to result in an annual aggregate savings of $3,090 for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2020, consisting of $2,073 in federal funds and $1,017 in state general revenue. For FFY 2021, the estimated annual aggregate savings is $39,311, consisting of $24,298 in federal funds and $15,013 in state general revenue. For FFY 2021, the estimated annual aggregate saving is $41,252, consisting of $25,349 in federal funds and $15,903 in state general revenue.
Further detail on specific reimbursement rates and percentage changes is available on the HHSC Rate Analysis website under the proposed effective date at: http://rad.hhs.texas.gov/rate-packets.
Rate Hearing. A rate hearing was conducted on May 27, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. in Austin, Texas. Information about the proposed rate changes, and the hearing can be found in the May 8, 2020, issue of the Texas Register (45 TexReg 3165). These can be found at http://www.sos.state.tx.us/texreg/index.shtml.
Copy of Proposed Amendments. Interested parties may obtain additional information and/or a free copy of the proposed amendments by contacting Cynthia Henderson, State Plan Policy Advisor, by mail at the Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 13247, Mail Code H-600, Austin, TX 78711; by telephone at (512) 487-3349; by facsimile at (512) 730-7472; or by e-mail at Medicaid_Chip_SPA_Inquiries@hhsc.state.tx.us. Copies of the proposed amendments will be available for review at the local county offices of HHSC, which were formerly the local offices of the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
Written Comments. Written comments about the proposed amendments and/or requests to review comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email:
U.S. Mail
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, Texas 78714-9030
Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400
Brown-Heatly Building
4900 North Lamar Blvd
Austin, Texas 78751
Phone number for package delivery: (512) 730-7401
Attention: Rate Analysis at (512) 730-7475
Karen Ray
Chief Counsel
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Filed: July 24, 2020
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Fifth Amendment to 2020-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Annual Notice of Funding Availability
I. Sources of Multifamily Direct Loan Funds.
Multifamily Direct Loan funds are made available in this Annual Notice of Funding Availability through program income generated from prior year HOME allocations, de-obligated funds from prior year HOME allocations, the 2019 Grant Year HOME allocation, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Grant Year National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) allocations. The Department may amend this NOFA or the Department may release a new NOFA upon receiving additional de-obligated funds from HOME allocations, or upon receiving the 2020 HOME allocation from HUD. These funds have been programmed for multifamily activities including acquisition, refinance, and preservation of affordable housing involving new construction, reconstruction and/or rehabilitation.
II. Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the Department) announces the availability of up to $43,312,142.20 in Multifamily Direct Loan funding for the development of affordable multifamily rental housing for low-income Texans.
Of that amount, up to $14,509,857.20 will be available under the Soft Repayment set-aside statewide through September 10, 2020, for applications proposing to restrict rent and income for all Direct Loan-assisted units to extremely low-income households as defined in 24 CFR Part 93. From September 11, 2020, through October 12, 2020, $14,956,117.20 will be available under the Soft Repayment set-aside subject to the Regional Allocation Formula in Attachment B of the NOFA for applications proposing to restrict rent and income for all Direct Loan-assisted units to extremely low-income households as defined in 24 CFR Part 93. The remaining $13,846,168 will be available statewide through October 12, 2020, under the General set-aside for applications proposing eligible activities in non-Participating Jurisdictions.
At the Board meeting on July 23, 2020, the Department approved the Fifth Amendment to 2020-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Annual NOFA, whereby the $16,956,117.20 in NHTF was added under the Soft Repayment set-aside and the application submission deadline was extended to October 12, 2020. All funds under the NOFA will be available through October 12, 2020 (if sufficient funds remain).
The Multifamily Direct Loan program provides loans to for-profit and nonprofit entities to develop affordable housing for low-income Texans qualified earning 80 percent or less of the applicable Area Median Family Income.
III. Application Deadline and Availability.
Based on the availability of funds, Applications may be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on October 12, 2020. The "Amended 2020-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Annual NOFA" is posted on the Department's website: http://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/multifamily/nofas-rules.htm. Subscribers to the Department's LISTSERV will receive notification that the Fifth Amendment to the NOFA is posted. Subscription to the Department's LISTSERV is available at http://maillist.tdhca.state.tx.us/list/subscribe.html?lui=f9mu0g2g&mContainer=2&mOwner=G382s2w2r2p.
Questions regarding the 2020-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Annual NOFA may be addressed to Andrew Sinnott at (512) 475-0538 or andrew.sinnott@tdhca.state.tx.us.
Bobby Wilkinson
Executive Director
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Filed: July 29, 2020
Notice to Public and to All Interested Mortgage Lenders Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the "Department") intends to implement a Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (the "Program") to assist eligible very low, low, and moderate income first-time homebuyers with the purchase of a residence located within the State of Texas. Under the Program, a first-time homebuyer who satisfies the eligibility requirements described herein may receive a federal income tax credit in an amount equal to the product of the certificate credit rate established under the Program and the interest paid or accrued by the homeowner during the taxable year on the remaining principal of the certified indebtedness amount incurred by the homeowner to acquire the principal residence of the homeowner; provided that, if the certificate credit rate established under the Program exceeds 20%, the amount of such credit allowed in any taxable year may not exceed $2,000. In order to qualify to receive a mortgage credit certificate, the homebuyer must qualify for a conventional, FHA, VA, USDA or other home mortgage loan from a lending institution and must meet the other requirements of the Program.
The mortgage credit certificates will be issued to qualified mortgagors on a first-come, first-served basis by the Department, which will review applications from lending institutions and prospective mortgagors to determine compliance with the requirements of the Program and determine that mortgage credit certificates remain available under the Program. No mortgage credit certificates will be issued prior to ninety (90) days from the date of publication of this notice or after the date that all of the credit certificate amount has been allocated to homebuyers, and in no event will mortgage credit certificates be issued later than the date permitted by federal tax law.
To obtain additional information on the Program, including the boundaries of current targeted areas, as well as the current income and purchase price limits (which are subject to revision and adjustment from time to time by the Department pursuant to changes in applicable federal law and Department policy), please contact Cathy Gutierrez at the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, 221 East 11th Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2410; telephone (512) 475-0277.
The Department intends to maintain a list of single family mortgage lenders that will participate in the Program by making loans to qualified holders of these mortgage credit certificates. Any lender interested in appearing on this list or in obtaining additional information regarding the Program should contact Cathy Gutierrez at the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, 221 East 11th Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2410; (512) 475-0277. The Department may schedule a meeting with lenders to discuss in greater detail the requirements of the Program.
This notice is published in satisfaction of the requirements of Section 25 of the Code and Treasury Regulation Sections 1.25-3T(j)(4) and 1.25-4T promulgated thereunder regarding the public notices prerequisite to the issuance of mortgage credit certificates and to maintaining a list of participating lenders.
Bobby Wilkinson
Executive Director
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Filed: July 29, 2020
Texas Department of Insurance
Company Licensing
Application for Time Insurance Company II, a foreign life, accident, and/or health company, to change its name to Time Insurance Company. The home office is in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Any objections must be filed with the Texas Department of Insurance, within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the Texas Register publication, addressed to the attention of Robert Rudnai, 333 Guadalupe Street, MC 103-CL, Austin, Texas 78701.
James Person
General Counsel
Texas Department of Insurance
Filed: July 29, 2020
Notice of Recommendation to Decrease Stamping Fee Rate for the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) received a recommendation from the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (stamping office) to decrease the stamping fee from the current rate of 0.15% of gross premium to 0.075%. The stamping fee is collected from surplus lines agents to fund the stamping office's operations. The Commissioner of Insurance must approve any change to the stamping fee.
TDI requests public comments on the proposed decrease and the date on which the decrease should go into effect.
You can get a copy of the recommendation and supporting documents at https://www.tdi.texas.gov//rules/2020/exrules.html.
Public Comment: TDI will consider any written comments that are received no later than 5:00 p.m., central time, on August 27, 2020. Send your comments to ChiefClerk@tdi.texas.gov or to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 112-2A, Texas Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 149104, Austin, Texas 78714-9104.
James Person
General Counsel
Texas Department of Insurance
Filed: July 27, 2020
Texas Lottery Commission
Scratch Ticket Game Number 2252 "$5,000 EXTREME Cash"
1.0 Name and Style of Scratch Ticket Game.
A. The name of Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252 is "$5,000 EXTREME Cash". The play style is "key number match".
1.1 Price of Scratch Ticket Game.
A. The price for Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252 shall be $1.00 per Scratch Ticket.
1.2 Definitions in Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252.
A. Display Printing - That area of the Scratch Ticket outside of the area where the overprint and Play Symbols appear.
B. Latex Overprint - The removable scratch-off covering over the Play Symbols on the front of the Scratch Ticket.
C. Play Symbol - The printed data under the latex on the front of the Scratch Ticket that is used to determine eligibility for a prize. Each Play Symbol is printed in Symbol font in black ink in positive except for dual-image games. The possible black Play Symbols are: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, STAR SYMBOL, DIAMOND SYMBOL, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100 and $5,000.
D. Play Symbol Caption - The printed material appearing below each Play Symbol which explains the Play Symbol. One caption appears under each Play Symbol and is printed in caption font in black ink in positive. The Play Symbol Caption which corresponds with and verifies each Play Symbol is as follows:
Figure 1: GAME NO. 2252 - 1.2D (.pdf)
E. Serial Number - A unique thirteen (13) digit number appearing under the latex scratch-off covering on the front of the Scratch Ticket. The Serial Number is for validation purposes and cannot be used to play the game. The format will be: 0000000000000.
F. Bar Code - A twenty-four (24) character interleaved two (2) of five (5) Bar Code which will include a four (4) digit game ID, the seven (7) digit Pack number, the three (3) digit Ticket number and the ten (10) digit Validation Number. The Bar Code appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket.
G. Game-Pack-Ticket Number - A fourteen (14) digit number consisting of the four (4) digit game number (2252), a seven (7) digit Pack number, and a three (3) digit Ticket number. Ticket numbers start with 001 and end with 150 within each Pack. The format will be: 2252-0000001-001.
H. Pack - A Pack of the "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game contains 150 Tickets, packed in plastic shrink-wrapping and fanfolded in pages of five (5). Tickets 001 to 005 will be on the top page; Tickets 006 to 010 on the next page; etc.; and Tickets 146 to 150 will be on the last page with backs exposed. Ticket 001 will be folded over so the front of Ticket 001 and 010 will be exposed.
I. Non-Winning Scratch Ticket - A Scratch Ticket which is not programmed to be a winning Scratch Ticket or a Scratch Ticket that does not meet all of the requirements of these Game Procedures, the State Lottery Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 466), and applicable rules adopted by the Texas Lottery pursuant to the State Lottery Act and referenced in 16 TAC, Chapter 401.
J. Scratch Ticket Game, Scratch Ticket or Ticket - Texas Lottery "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252.
2.0 Determination of Prize Winners. The determination of prize winners is subject to the general Scratch Ticket validation requirements set forth in Texas Lottery Rule 401.302, Scratch Ticket Game Rules, these Game Procedures, and the requirements set out on the back of each Scratch Ticket. A prize winner in the "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game is determined once the latex on the Scratch Ticket is scratched off to expose eleven (11) Play Symbols. If a player matches any of the YOUR NUMBERS Play Symbols to the WINNING NUMBER Play Symbol, the player wins the prize for that number. If the player reveals a "STAR" Play Symbol, the player wins the prize for that symbol instantly. If the player reveals a "DIAMOND" Play Symbol, the player wins 5 TIMES the prize for that symbol. No portion of the Display Printing nor any extraneous matter whatsoever shall be usable or playable as a part of the Scratch Ticket.
2.1 Scratch Ticket Validation Requirements.
A. To be a valid Scratch Ticket, all of the following requirements must be met:
1. Exactly eleven (11) Play Symbols must appear under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket;
2. Each of the Play Symbols must have a Play Symbol Caption underneath, unless specified, and each Play Symbol must agree with its Play Symbol Caption;
3. Each of the Play Symbols must be present in its entirety and be fully legible;
4. Each of the Play Symbols must be printed in black ink except for dual image games;
5. The Scratch Ticket shall be intact;
6. The Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be present in their entirety and be fully legible;
7. The Serial Number must correspond, using the Texas Lottery's codes, to the Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket;
8. The Scratch Ticket must not have a hole punched through it, be mutilated, altered, unreadable, reconstituted or tampered with in any manner;
9. The Scratch Ticket must not be counterfeit in whole or in part;
10. The Scratch Ticket must have been issued by the Texas Lottery in an authorized manner;
11. The Scratch Ticket must not have been stolen, nor appear on any list of omitted Scratch Tickets or non-activated Scratch Tickets on file at the Texas Lottery;
12. The Play Symbols, Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be right side up and not reversed in any manner;
13. The Scratch Ticket must be complete and not miscut, and have exactly eleven (11) Play Symbols under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket, exactly one Serial Number and exactly one Game-Pack-Ticket Number on the Scratch Ticket;
14. The Serial Number of an apparent winning Scratch Ticket shall correspond with the Texas Lottery's Serial Numbers for winning Scratch Tickets, and a Scratch Ticket with that Serial Number shall not have been paid previously;
15. The Scratch Ticket must not be blank or partially blank, misregistered, defective or printed or produced in error;
16. Each of the eleven (11) Play Symbols must be exactly one of those described in Section 1.2.C of these Game Procedures;
17. Each of the eleven (11) Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket must be printed in the Symbol font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; the Scratch Ticket Serial Numbers must be printed in the Serial font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and the Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be printed in the Game-Pack-Ticket Number font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery;
18. The Display Printing on the Scratch Ticket must be regular in every respect and correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and
19. The Scratch Ticket must have been received by the Texas Lottery by applicable deadlines.
B. The Scratch Ticket must pass all additional validation tests provided for in these Game Procedures, the Texas Lottery's Rules governing the award of prizes of the amount to be validated, and any confidential validation and security tests of the Texas Lottery.
C. Any Scratch Ticket not passing all of the validation requirements is void and ineligible for any prize and shall not be paid. However, the Executive Director may, solely at the Executive Director's discretion, refund the retail sales price of the Scratch Ticket. In the event a defective Scratch Ticket is purchased, the only responsibility or liability of the Texas Lottery shall be to replace the defective Scratch Ticket with another unplayed Scratch Ticket in that Scratch Ticket Game (or a Scratch Ticket of equivalent sales price from any other current Texas Lottery Scratch Ticket Game) or refund the retail sales price of the Scratch Ticket, solely at the Executive Director's discretion.
2.2 Programmed Game Parameters.
A. Consecutive Non-Winning Tickets within a Pack will not have matching patterns, in the same order, of either Play Symbols or Prize Symbols.
B. The top Prize Symbol will appear on every Ticket, unless restricted by other parameters, play action or prize structure.
C. No prize amount in a non-winning spot will correspond with the YOUR NUMBERS Play Symbol (i.e., 01 and $1).
D. A non-winning Prize Symbol will never match a winning Prize Symbol.
E. No matching non-winning Prize Symbols on a Ticket, unless restricted by other parameters, play action or prize structure.
F. The "DIAMOND" (WINX5) Play Symbol will only appear on intended winning Tickets, as dictated by the prize structure.
G. No matching non-winning YOUR NUMBERS Play Symbols on a Ticket.
H. The "STAR" (WIN$) Play Symbol may appear multiple times on intended winning Tickets, unless restricted by other parameters, play action or prize structure.
2.3 Procedure for Claiming Prizes.
A. To claim a "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game prize of $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00, $25.00 or $100, a claimant shall sign the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated on the Scratch Ticket and may present the winning Scratch Ticket to any Texas Lottery Retailer. The Texas Lottery Retailer shall verify the claim and, if valid, and upon presentation of proper identification, if appropriate, make payment of the amount due the claimant and physically void the Scratch Ticket; provided that the Texas Lottery Retailer may, but is not required, to pay a $25.00 or $100 Scratch Ticket Game. In the event the Texas Lottery Retailer cannot verify the claim, the Texas Lottery Retailer shall provide the claimant with a claim form and instruct the claimant on how to file a claim with the Texas Lottery. If the claim is validated by the Texas Lottery, a check shall be forwarded to the claimant in the amount due. In the event the claim is not validated, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly. A claimant may also claim any of the above prizes under the procedure described in Section 2.3.B and Section 2.3.C of these Game Procedures.
B. To claim a "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game prize of $5,000, the claimant must sign the winning Scratch Ticket and may present it at one of the Texas Lottery's Claim Centers. If the claim is validated by the Texas Lottery, payment will be made to the bearer of the validated winning Scratch Ticket for that prize upon presentation of proper identification. When paying a prize of $600 or more, the Texas Lottery shall file the appropriate income reporting form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and shall withhold federal income tax at a rate set by the IRS if required. In the event that the claim is not validated by the Texas Lottery, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly.
C. As an alternative method of claiming a "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game prize the claimant may submit the signed winning Scratch Ticket and a thoroughly completed claim form via mail. If a prize value is $1,000,000 or more, the claimant must also provide proof of Social Security number or Tax Payer Identification (for U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens). Mail all to: Texas Lottery Commission, P.O. Box 16600, Austin, Texas 78761-6600. The Texas Lottery is not responsible for Scratch Tickets lost in the mail. In the event that the claim is not validated by the Texas Lottery, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly.
D. Prior to payment by the Texas Lottery of any prize, the Texas Lottery shall deduct the amount of a delinquent tax or other money from the winnings of a prize winner who has been finally determined to be:
1. delinquent in the payment of a tax or other money to a state agency and that delinquency is reported to the Comptroller under Government Code §403.055;
2. in default on a loan made under Chapter 52, Education Code;
3. in default on a loan guaranteed under Chapter 57, Education Code; or
4. delinquent in child support payments in the amount determined by a court or a Title IV-D agency under Chapter 231, Family Code.
E. If a person is indebted or owes delinquent taxes to the State, other than those specified in the preceding paragraph, the winnings of a person shall be withheld until the debt or taxes are paid.
2.4 Allowance for Delay of Payment. The Texas Lottery may delay payment of the prize pending a final determination by the Executive Director, under any of the following circumstances:
A. if a dispute occurs, or it appears likely that a dispute may occur, regarding the prize;
B. if there is any question regarding the identity of the claimant;
C. if there is any question regarding the validity of the Scratch Ticket presented for payment; or
D. if the claim is subject to any deduction from the payment otherwise due, as described in Section 2.3.D of these Game Procedures. No liability for interest for any delay shall accrue to the benefit of the claimant pending payment of the claim.
2.5 Payment of Prizes to Persons Under 18. If a person under the age of 18 years is entitled to a cash prize under $600 from the "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game, the Texas Lottery shall deliver to an adult member of the minor's family or the minor's guardian a check or warrant in the amount of the prize payable to the order of the minor.
2.6 If a person under the age of 18 years is entitled to a cash prize of $600 or more from the "$5,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game, the Texas Lottery shall deposit the amount of the prize in a custodial bank account, with an adult member of the minor's family or the minor's guardian serving as custodian for the minor.
2.7 Scratch Ticket Claim Period. All Scratch Ticket prizes must be claimed within 180 days following the end of the Scratch Ticket Game or within the applicable time period for certain eligible military personnel as set forth in Texas Government Code §466.408. Any rights to a prize that is not claimed within that period, and in the manner specified in these Game Procedures and on the back of each Scratch Ticket, shall be forfeited.
2.8 Disclaimer. The number of prizes in a game is approximate based on the number of Scratch Tickets ordered. The number of actual prizes available in a game may vary based on number of Scratch Tickets manufactured, testing, distribution, sales and number of prizes claimed. A Scratch Ticket Game may continue to be sold even when all the top prizes have been claimed.
3.0 Scratch Ticket Ownership.
A. Until such time as a signature is placed upon the back portion of a Scratch Ticket in the space designated, a Scratch Ticket shall be owned by the physical possessor of said Scratch Ticket. When a signature is placed on the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated, the player whose signature appears in that area shall be the owner of the Scratch Ticket and shall be entitled to any prize attributable thereto. Notwithstanding any name or names submitted on a claim form, the Executive Director shall make payment to the player whose signature appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated. If more than one name appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket, the Executive Director will require that one of those players whose name appears thereon be designated by such players to receive payment.
B. The Texas Lottery shall not be responsible for lost or stolen Scratch Tickets and shall not be required to pay on a lost or stolen Scratch Ticket.
4.0 Number and Value of Scratch Prizes. There will be approximately 12,000,000 Scratch Tickets in Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252. The approximate number and value of prizes in the game are as follows:
Figure 2: GAME NO. 2252 - 4.0 (.pdf)
A. The actual number of Scratch Tickets in the game may be increased or decreased at the sole discretion of the Texas Lottery Commission.
5.0 End of the Scratch Ticket Game. The Executive Director may, at any time, announce a closing date (end date) for the Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252 without advance notice, at which point no further Scratch Tickets in that game may be sold. The determination of the closing date and reasons for closing will be made in accordance with the Scratch Ticket closing procedures and the Scratch Ticket Game Rules. See 16 TAC §401.302(j).
6.0 Governing Law. In purchasing a Scratch Ticket, the player agrees to comply with, and abide by, these Game Procedures for Scratch Ticket Game No. 2252, the State Lottery Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 466), applicable rules adopted by the Texas Lottery pursuant to the State Lottery Act and referenced in 16 TAC, Chapter 401, and all final decisions of the Executive Director.
Bob Biard
General Counsel
Texas Lottery Commission
Filed: July 28, 2020
Scratch Ticket Game Number 2253 is "$200,000 EXTREME Cash"
1.0 Name and Style of Scratch Ticket Game.
A. The name of Scratch Ticket Game No. 2253 is "$200,000 EXTREME Cash". The play style is "key number match".
1.1 Price of Scratch Ticket Game.
A. The price for Scratch Ticket Game No. 2253 shall be $5.00 per Scratch Ticket.
1.2 Definitions in Scratch Ticket Game No. 2253.
A. Display Printing - That area of the Scratch Ticket outside of the area where the overprint and Play Symbols appear.
B. Latex Overprint - The removable scratch-off covering over the Play Symbols on the front of the Scratch Ticket.
C. Play Symbol - The printed data under the latex on the front of the Scratch Ticket that is used to determine eligibility for a prize. Each Play Symbol is printed in Symbol font in black ink in positive except for dual-image games. The possible black Play Symbols are: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, STAR SYMBOL, DIAMOND SYMBOL, $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100, $250, $300, $500, $1,000 and $200,000.
D. Play Symbol Caption - The printed material appearing below each Play Symbol which explains the Play Symbol. One caption appears under each Play Symbol and is printed in caption font in black ink in positive. The Play Symbol Caption which corresponds with and verifies each Play Symbol is as follows:
Figure 1: GAME NO. 2253 - 1.2D (.pdf)
E. Serial Number - A unique thirteen (13) digit number appearing under the latex scratch-off covering on the front of the Scratch Ticket. The Serial Number is for validation purposes and cannot be used to play the game. The format will be: 0000000000000.
F. Bar Code - A twenty-four (24) character interleaved two (2) of five (5) Bar Code which will include a four (4) digit game ID, the seven (7) digit Pack number, the three (3) digit Ticket number and the ten (10) digit Validation Number. The Bar Code appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket.
G. Game-Pack-Ticket Number - A fourteen (14) digit number consisting of the four (4) digit game number (2253), a seven (7) digit Pack number, and a three (3) digit Ticket number. Ticket numbers start with 001 and end with 075 within each Pack. The format will be: 2253-0000001-001.
H. Pack - A Pack of the "$200,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game contains 075 Tickets, packed in plastic shrink-wrapping and fanfolded in pages of one (1). The Packs will alternate. One will show the front of Ticket 001 and back of 075 while the other fold will show the back of Ticket 001 and front of 075.
I. Non-Winning Scratch Ticket - A Scratch Ticket which is not programmed to be a winning Scratch Ticket or a Scratch Ticket that does not meet all of the requirements of these Game Procedures, the State Lottery Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 466), and applicable rules adopted by the Texas Lottery pursuant to the State Lottery Act and referenced in 16 TAC, Chapter 401.
J. Scratch Ticket Game, Scratch Ticket or Ticket - Texas Lottery "$200,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game No. 2253.
2.0 Determination of Prize Winners. The determination of prize winners is subject to the general Scratch Ticket validation requirements set forth in Texas Lottery Rule 401.302, Scratch Ticket Game Rules, these Game Procedures, and the requirements set out on the back of each Scratch Ticket. A prize winner in the "$200,000 EXTREME Cash" Scratch Ticket Game is determined once the latex on the Scratch Ticket is scratched off to expose forty-five (45) Play Symbols. If a player matches any of the YOUR NUMBERS Play Symbols to any of the WINNING NUMBERS Play Symbols, the player wins the prize for that number. If the player reveals a "STAR" Play Symbol, the player wins the prize for that symbol instantly. If the player reveals a "DIAMOND" Play Symbol, the player wins 5 TIMES the prize for that symbol. No portion of the Display Printing nor any extraneous matter whatsoever shall be usable or playable as a part of the Scratch Ticket.
2.1 Scratch Ticket Validation Requirements.
A. To be a valid Scratch Ticket, all of the following requirements must be met:
1. Exactly forty-five (45) Play Symbols must appear under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket;
2. Each of the Play Symbols must have a Play Symbol Caption underneath, unless specified, and each Play Symbol must agree with its Play Symbol Caption;
3. Each of the Play Symbols must be present in its entirety and be fully legible;
4. Each of the Play Symbols must be printed in black ink except for dual image games;
5. The Scratch Ticket shall be intact;
6. The Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be present in their entirety and be fully legible;
7. The Serial Number must correspond, using the Texas Lottery's codes, to the Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket;
8. The Scratch Ticket must not have a hole punched through it, be mutilated, altered, unreadable, reconstituted or tampered with in any manner;
9. The Scratch Ticket must not be counterfeit in whole or in part;
10. The Scratch Ticket must have been issued by the Texas Lottery in an authorized manner;
11. The Scratch Ticket must not have been stolen, nor appear on any list of omitted Scratch Tickets or non-activated Scratch Tickets on file at the Texas Lottery;
12. The Play Symbols, Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be right side up and not reversed in any manner;
13. The Scratch Ticket must be complete and not miscut, and have exactly forty-five (45) Play Symbols under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket, exactly one Serial Number and exactly one Game-Pack-Ticket Number on the Scratch Ticket;
14. The Serial Number of an apparent winning Scratch Ticket shall correspond with the Texas Lottery's Serial Numbers for winning Scratch Tickets, and a Scratch Ticket with that Serial Number shall not have been paid previously;
15. The Scratch Ticket must not be blank or partially blank, misregistered, defective or printed or produced in error;
16. Each of the forty-five (45) Play Symbols must be exactly one of those described in Section 1.2.C of these Game Procedures;
17. Each of the forty-five (45) Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket must be printed in the Symbol font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; the Scratch Ticket Serial Numbers must be printed in the Serial font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and the Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be printed in the Game-Pack-Ticket Number font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery;
18. The Display Printing on the Scratch Ticket must be regular in every respect and correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and
19. The Scratch Ticket must have been received by the Texas Lottery by applicable deadlines.
B. The Scratch Ticket must pass all additional validation tests provided for in these Game Procedures, the Texas Lottery's Rules governing the award of prizes of the amount to be validated, and any confidential validation and security tests of the Texas Lottery.
What’s New in the The Lotto King v2.3 serial key or number?
Screen Shot

System Requirements for The Lotto King v2.3 serial key or number
- First, download the The Lotto King v2.3 serial key or number
You can download its setup from given links: