QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number

QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number

QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number

QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number

Jira Service Desk Support

Sometimes, you just want to be able to get to the particular issue that you're interested in. Other times, you can't remember what the issue was, but you remember that it was an open issue, assigned to you, or you have its name on the tip of your tongue. Quick search can help you in these scenarios.

The Search box is located at the top right of your screen, in the Jira header bar.  To use quick search, just start typing what you're looking for. 

  1. Search: Click anywhere in the box to display your recent work, or start typing to search through all your issues and projects.
  2. Issues: Recent issues (before searching), or issues that match your search.
  3. Projects: Recent projects (before searching), or projects that match your search.

Using quick search by many users at once can affect performance. You can limit the number of concurrent searches, or monitor how your users are searching in real-time. Learn more

Understanding quick searching

Read the following topics to learn how to get the most out of quick searching:

Jumping to an issue

If you type in the key of an issue, you will jump straight to that issue. For example, if you type in 'ABC-107' (or 'abc-107'), and press the Enter button, you will be redirected to the issue 'ABC-107'.

In many cases, you do not even need to type in the full key, but just the numerical part. If you are currently working on the 'ABC' project, and you type in '123', you will be redirected to 'ABC-123'.

Searching as you type

When you start typing the word you’re looking for, the quick search will react instantly by showing and refreshing the list of most relevant results. To display these results, your search term is matched against the following fields:

  • Summary (projects and issues)
  • Description (issues)

Free-text searching

You can additionaly search through comments or use extra operators for fuzzy or wildcard search. These results won't be displayed as 'instant results', but you can view them after pressing Enter in the search box.

You can combine free-text and keywords together, e.g. "". You can also you wildcards, e.g. ''".

For more information on free-text searching, see Search syntax for text fields.

Smart querying

Quick search also enables you to perform 'smart' searches with minimal typing. For example, to find all the open bugs in the 'TEST' project, you could simply type 'test open bugs' and quick search would locate them all for you.

Your search results will be displayed in the Issue Navigator, where you can view them in a variety of useful formats (Excel, XML, etc).

The search terms that quick search recognizes are:

Search Term



Find issues assigned to me.

Find issues reported by you, another user or with no reporter, using the prefix r: followed by a specific reporter term, such as me, a username or none.

Note that there can be no spaces between "r:" and the specific reporter term.

— finds issues reported by you.
— finds issues reported by the user whose username is "samuel".
— finds issues with no reporter.


Find issues in a particular project.

Find issues that were due before today.

Find issues with a particular Created, Updated, or Due Date using the prefixes created:, updated:, or due:, respectively. For the date range, you can use today, tomorrow, yesterday, a single date range (e.g. '-1w'), or two date ranges (e.g. '-1w,1w'). Note that date ranges cannot have spaces in them. Valid date/time abbreviations are: 'w' (week), 'd' (day), 'h' (hour), 'm' (minute).

— finds issues updated in the last week.
— finds issues due in the next week.
— finds issues due from yesterday to next week.
— finds issues created from one week ago, to 30 minutes ago.
— finds issues created in the last day, updated in the last 4 hours.

Find issues with a particular Priority.

Find issues with a particular Issue Type. Note that you can also use plurals.

Find issues with a particular Resolution.

Find issues with a particular Component(s). You can search across multiple components.

Note that there can be no spaces between "c:" and the component name.

— finds issues with a component whose name contains the word "security".

Find issues with a particular Affects Version(s). To find all issues belonging to a 'major' version, use the wildcard symbol .

Note that there can be no spaces between "v:" and the version name.

— finds issues that match the following versions (for example):

  • 3.0
  • 3.0 eap
  • 3.0 beta

    ...but will not match against the following versions (for example):
  • 3.0.1

    That is, it will match against any version that contains the string you specify followed immediately by a space, but not against versions that do not contain a space immediately after the string you specify.

Find issues with a particular Fix For Version(s). Same usage as (above).

Wildcard symbol . Can be used with and .

— finds any issue whose version number is (for example):

In Mozilla-based browsers, try creating a bookmark with URL (substituting with your Jira instance's URL) and keyword (such as 'j'). Now, typing 'j my open bugs' in the browser URL bar will search your Jira instance for your open bugs. Or simply type your search term in the Quick Search box, then right-click on the Quick Search box (with your search term shown) and select "Add a Keyword for this search...".

Searching issues from your browser's search box

If you are using Firefox or Internet Explorer 8 (or later), you can add your Jira instance as a search engine/provider via the drop-down menu next to the browser's search box. Once you add your Jira instance as a search engine/provider in your browser, you can use it at any time to conduct a Quick Search for issues in that Jira instance.


Jira supports this browser search feature as part of the autodiscovery part of the OpenSearch standard, by supplying an OpenSearch description document. This is an XML file that describes the web interface provided by Jira's search function. Any client applications that support OpenSearch will be able to add Jira to their list of search engines.

Next steps

Read the following related topics:

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
, QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number


ClosedBug 400132Opened 13 years agoClosed 12 years ago
Performance problem when searching with quicksearch


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, defect)


(Reporter: awisniewski, Unassigned)

This bug is publicly visible.
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 Build Identifier: 3.0.1 When I use Advanced Search in bugzilla v.3.0.1 I can get output very fast (i.e. 2 sec.). If I use quicksearch from main our bugzilla search with this same words it kills our database backend - 99% of CPU usage in next 2-3 minutes or more :/ Is there any problem with this main search (not advanced) ? Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Search two or more words with quicksearch form (with space between them - AND operator). Actual Results: top on server (you can see one mysql process with 99% CPU) Expected Results: Just response or faster response. Backend: Mysql 4.1.22
What did you type exactly? Did you use any "magic" keyword? Note that you can append &debug=1 to the URL to get the SQL query executed by QuickSearch. Maybe you will find something wrong in it.
Version: unspecified → 3.0.1
I'm guessing this is a duplicate of bug 347721, but I'm not certain.
I've typed "TEST SERVER" so it's not anything special :/ It seems that I have a problem when I'm using words which occured very often in database (i.e. I have this same problem when I type i.e. "problem big"). After add "&debug=1" I can not see any interestin but i'm not a database specialist :/
(In reply to comment #2) > I'm guessing this is a duplicate of bug 347721, but I'm not certain. It can be :/
checked this problem using query that Andy proposed. After removing common parts 'query' looks like: quick search: INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_0 ON (longdescs_0.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ) INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_1 ON (longdescs_1.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ) WHERE ((bugs.bug_status IN ('REOPENED','NEW','ASSIGNED','UNCONFIRMED'))) AND (((bugs.product_id IN (2,33,27)) OR (1=2) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('test' AS BINARY)) > 0) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('test' AS BINARY)) > 0) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_0.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('test' AS BINARY)) > 0))) AND (((bugs.product_id IN (17)) OR (bugs.component_id IN (101)) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('server' AS BINARY)) > 0) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('server' AS BINARY)) > 0) OR (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_1.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('server' AS BINARY)) > 0))) GROUP BY bugs.bug_id ORDER BY bugs.delta_ts,priority.sortkey,priority.value,bug_severity.sortkey,bug_severity.value advanced search: INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_ ON (longdescs_.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ) WHERE ((INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('test' AS BINARY)) > 0 AND INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('server' AS BINARY)) > 0)) GROUP BY bugs.bug_id ORDER BY bugs.delta_ts,priority.sortkey,priority.value,bug_severity.sortkey,bug_severity.value btw. where and how I could change quicksearch query to be more like advanced?
I can add some details to this. The query looks like SELECT bugs.bug_id /* Some field dropped */ FROM bugs INNER JOIN profiles AS map_assigned_to ON bugs.assigned_to = map_assigned_to.userid INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_0 ON longdescs_0.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND longdescs_0.isprivate < 1 INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_1 ON longdescs_1.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND longdescs_1.isprivate < 1 INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_2 ON longdescs_2.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND longdescs_2.isprivate < 1 INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_3 ON longdescs_3.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND longdescs_3.isprivate < 1 LEFT JOIN bug_group_map ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND bug_group_map.group_id NOT IN (7,8) LEFT JOIN cc ON cc.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND cc.who = 1090 WHERE bugs.bug_status IN ('REOPENED','NEW','ASSIGNED','UNCONFIRMED') AND bugs.creation_ts IS NOT NULL AND (bug_group_map.group_id IS NULL OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = 1090) OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND cc.who IS NOT NULL) OR bugs.assigned_to = 1090) AND (bugs.component_id IN (29) OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.keywords) AS BINARY), CAST('kernel' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('kernel' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('kernel' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_0.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('kernel' AS BINARY)) > 0 ) AND (bugs.product_id IN (12) OR bugs.component_id IN (11,53,100) OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('bug' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('bug' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_1.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('bug' AS BINARY)) > 0 ) AND (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('at' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('at' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_2.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('at' AS BINARY)) > 0 ) AND (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.short_desc) AS BINARY), CAST('extents' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(bugs.status_whiteboard) AS BINARY), CAST('extents' AS BINARY)) > 0 OR INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_3.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('extents' AS BINARY)) > 0 ) GROUP BY bugs.bug_id ORDER BY bugs.bug_id This makes mysql freezes: bash-3.00# mysqladmin -u bugs processlist +--------+------+-----------+------+---------+------+----------------------+------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +--------+------+-----------+------+---------+------+----------------------+------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------+ | 135209 | bugs | localhost | bugs | Query | 1609 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT bugs.bug_id, bugs.bug_severity, bugs.priority, bugs.bug_status, bugs.resolution, bugs.bug_sev | | 135217 | bugs | localhost | bugs | Query | 1506 | Locked | SELECT bugs.bug_id, bugs.bug_severity, bugs.priority, bugs.bug_status, bugs.resolution, bugs.bugs.assigned_to | 1 | | | 1 | SIMPLE | longdescs_0 | ref | longdescs_bug_id_idx | longdescs_bug_id_idx | 3 | bugs.bugs.bug_id | 9 | Using where | | 1 | SIMPLE | longdescs_1 | ref | longdescs_bug_id_idx | longdescs_bug_id_idx | 3 | bugs.longdescs_0.bug_id | 9 | Using where | | 1 | SIMPLE | longdescs_2 | ref | longdescs_bug_id_idx | longdescs_bug_id_idx | 3 | bugs.longdescs_0.bug_id | 9 | Using where | | 1 | SIMPLE | longdescs_3 | ref | longdescs_bug_id_idx | longdescs_bug_id_idx | 3 | bugs.longdescs_0.bug_id | 9 | Using where | | 1 | SIMPLE | bug_group_map | ref | bug_group_map_bug_id_idx,bug_group_map_group_id_idx | bug_group_map_bug_id_idx | 3 | bugs.longdescs_0.bug_id | 36 | Using where; Using index | | 1 | SIMPLE | cc | eq_ref | cc_bug_id_idx,cc_who_idx | cc_bug_id_idx | 6 | bugs.longdescs_3.bug_id,const | 1 | Using where; Using index | +----+-------------+-----------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+-------------------------------+------+----------------------------------------------+ 8 rows in set (0.02 sec)
Sorry, tables got a bit messed.... Key thing there - "Using where; _Using temporary;_ Using filesort" in the mysql EXPLAIN $query.
Read also bug 443892, which I marked as a dupe of this bug. It seems the slowness comes from INNER JOIN which should be replaced by sub-selects to make the query faster. We should fix this asap as running queries prevent the replication between the master and slave DBs to happen.
I doubt the INNER JOIN is a problem. More likely the problem is all the unnecessary CAST AS BINARY stuff which is actually gone for MySQL in 3.2 (unless you specifically pick "case sensitive"). We can fix up the performance, though.
Assignee: general → query-and-buglist
Component: Bugzilla-General → Query/Bug List
Actually, more likely the problem is that we're doing a substring search on longdescs.thetext, which can't use indexes. This is a problem when your longdescs table is several GB, like bmo. This would be fixed by doing a fulltext search on longdescs.
My longdescs table is ~43MB and still takes way more than 5 minutes on some searches. However running the query with changes as I mentioned in bug 443892 the query completes in under 1 second. So it's not the CAST AS BINARY that's holding up *my* system as it is still used in my modified query. Quick summary of bug 443892: Replacing: ... INNER JOIN longdescs AS longdescs_1 ON (longdescs_1.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ) ... (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs_1.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('crash' AS BINARY)) > 0) ... With: ... bugs.bug_id IN (SELECT longdescs.bug_id FROM longdescs WHERE (INSTR(CAST(LOWER(longdescs.thetext) AS BINARY), CAST('crash' AS BINARY)) > 0)) ... For all of the INNER JOINs, speeds it up enormously for me.
Looking at the MySQL documentation on INNER JOIN ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html ) states that an INNER JOIN produces a Cartesian product between the specified tables. Use the ON clause for specifying how the tables will be joined and the WHERE clause to restrict the rows. This suggests to me, though I'm not a DB expert, that the temporary table created by the joins will get very big, very quickly. I suppose it depends on when the result set is restricted by the WHERE clause. I initially thought it happened at each JOIN, but I now think it happens after all the JOINs have been completed.
(In reply to comment #13) > This suggests to me, though I'm not a DB expert, that the temporary table > created by the joins will get very big, very quickly. Well, because it's an INNER JOIN with an ON clause, that join is the size of the entire longdescs table. However, that should be fine. Could I see (as an attachment, not in a comment) the EXPLAIN output for both queries on your DB--one with the INNER JOIN and one with the subselects?
That's interesting. Theoretically, the subselect query should be much slower than the JOIN-based query--selecting a substring through the entire longdescs table three times should be slower than selecting some subset of it. However, MySQL is doing some sort of query planning that I don't fully understand. In any case, switching to fulltext matching for the longdescs table should eliminate any problem and we wouldn't have to do any sort of gigantic rearchitecture of Search.pm (particularly one that might not be equally performant across DBs...).
I'll try to install Bugzilla 3.1.4 on to another machine and port the database across and see what results I get with the fulltext search. If you have other suggestions for me to try I'll see about giving them a go too.
I've ported the database to another machine running Bugzilla 3.1.4 & Mysql 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1-log The quicksearch query still didn't use FULLTEXT search. However the slow queries didn't block other queries on the Bugzilla DB which was good. I've run a number of queries and let them run to completion and checked the output of mysql-slow.log. Between each run I restarted Mysql so they would have a fair crack of the whip.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number



pbr is a setuptools plugin and so to use it you must use setuptools and call . While the normal setuptools facilities are available, pbr makes it possible to express them through static data files.


pbr only requires a minimal setup.py file compared to a standard setuptools project. This is because most configuration is located in static configuration files. This recommended minimal setup.py file should look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonfromsetuptoolsimportsetupsetup(setup_requires=['pbr>=1.9','setuptools>=17.1'],pbr=True,)


It is necessary to specify to enabled pbr functionality.


While one can pass any arguments supported by setuptools to setup(), any conflicting arguments supplied in setup.cfg will take precedence.


The setup.cfg file is an ini-like file that can mostly replace the setup.py file. It is based on the distutils2setup.cfg file. A simple sample can be found in pbr‘s own setup.cfg (it uses its own machinery to install itself):

[metadata]name=pbrauthor=OpenStackFoundationauthor-email=openstack-dev@lists.openstack.orgsummary=OpenStack's setup automation in a reusable formdescription-file=READMEhome-page=https://launchpad.net/pbrlicense=Apache-2classifier=DevelopmentStatus::4-BetaEnvironment::ConsoleEnvironment::OpenStackIntendedAudience::DevelopersIntendedAudience::InformationTechnologyLicense::OSIApproved::ApacheSoftwareLicenseOperatingSystem::OSIndependentProgrammingLanguage::Pythonkeywords=setupdistutils[files]packages=pbrdata_files=etc/pbr=etc/*etc/init=pbr.packaging.confpbr.version.conf[entry_points]console_scripts=pbr=pbr.cmd:mainpbr.config.drivers=plain=pbr.cfg.driver:Plain

pbr provides its own section in these documents, ostensibly called , and provides a custom version of Sphinx’s section. Most other sections are provided by setuptools and may influence either the build itself or the output of various `setuptools commands`__. The remaining sections are provided by libraries that provide setuptools extensions, such as (provided by `Babel`__). Some of these are described below.


Comments may be used in setup.cfg, however all comments should start with a # and may be on a single line, or in line, with at least one white space character immediately preceding the #. Semicolons are not a supported comment delimiter. For instance:

[section]# A comment at the start of a dedicated linekey=value1# An in line commentvalue2# A comment on a dedicated linevalue3


The section defines the install location of files in the package using three fundamental keys: , , and .

A list of top-level packages that should be installed. The behavior of packages is similar to in that it recurses the python package hierarchy below the given top level and installs all of it. If is not specified, it defaults to the value of the field given in the section.
Similar to , but is a list of packages that provide namespace packages.

A list of files to be installed. The format is an indented block that contains key value pairs which specify target directory and source file to install there. More than one source file for a directory may be indicated with a further indented list. Source files are stripped of leading directories. Additionally, pbr supports a simple file globbing syntax for installing entire directory structures, thus:


will result in /etc/neutron containing api-paste.ini and dhcp-agent.ini, both of which pbr will expect to find in the etc directory in the root of the source tree. Additionally, neutron.init from that dir will be installed in /etc/init.d. All of the files and directories located under etc/pbr in the source tree will be installed into /etc/pbr.

Note that this behavior is relative to the effective root of the environment into which the packages are installed, so depending on available permissions this could be the actual system-wide /etc directory or just a top-level etc subdirectory of a virtualenv.


The section controls pbr specific options and behaviours.

A boolean option controlling whether pbr should generate an index of modules using sphinx-apidoc. By default, all files except setup.py are included, but this can be overridden using the option.
A list of modules to exclude when building documentation using sphinx-apidoc. Defaults to . Refer to the sphinx-apidoc man page for more information.
A boolean option controlling whether pbr should itself generates documentation for Python modules of the project. By default, all found Python modules are included; some of them can be excluded by listing them in .
A list of modules to exclude when building module documentation using pbr. fnmatch style pattern (e.g. myapp.tests.*) can be used.


When using or you may also need to set in your Sphinx configuration file (generally found at doc/source/conf.py in most OpenStack projects) otherwise Sphinx may complain about documents that are not in a toctree. This is especially true if the option is set. See the Sphinx build configuration file documentation for more information on configuring Sphinx.

Changed in version 2.0: The section used to take a option that would enable the (Turn warnings into errors.) option when building Sphinx. This feature was broken in 1.10 and was removed in pbr 2.0 in favour of the provided in Sphinx 1.5+.


The section is a version of the setuptools plugin provided with Sphinx. This plugin extends the original plugin to add the following:

  • Automatic generation of module documentation using the apidoc__ tool

  • Automatic configuration of the project, version and release settings using information from pbr itself

  • Support for multiple builders using the configuration option


    Sphinx 1.6 adds support for multiple builders using the default builder option. You should refer to this file for more information.

The version of provided by pbr provides a single additional option.

A space or comma separated list of builders to run. For example, to build both HTML and man page documentation, you would define the following in your setup.cfg:


For information on the remaining options, refer to the `Sphinx documentation`__. In addition, the , , and options in the section will affect the output of the automatic module documentation generation.

Changed in version 3.0: The plugin used to default to building both HTML and man page output. This is no longer the case, and you should explicitly set to if you wish to retain this behavior.


The section defines entry points for generated console scripts and python libraries. This is actually provided by `setuptools`__ but is documented here owing to its importance.

The general syntax of specifying entry points is a top level name indicating the entry point group name, followed by one or more key value pairs naming the entry point to be installed. For instance:


Will cause a console script called pbr to be installed that executes the main function found in pbr.cmd. Additionally, two entry points will be installed for pbr.config.drivers, one called plain which maps to the Plain class in pbr.cfg.driver and one called fancy which maps to the Fancy class in pbr.cfg.driver.


Requirement files should be given one of the below names. This order is also the order that the requirements are tried in (where N is the Python major version number used to install the package):

  • requirements-pyN.txt
  • tools/pip-requires-py3
  • requirements.txt
  • tools/pip-requires

Only the first file found is used to install the list of packages it contains.


The ‘requirements-pyN.txt’ file is deprecated - ‘requirements.txt’ should be universal. You can use Environment markers for this purpose.

Extra requirements¶

Groups of optional dependencies, or “extra” requirements, can be described in your setup.cfg, rather than needing to be added to setup.py. An example (which also demonstrates the use of environment markers) is shown below.

Environment markers¶

Environment markers are conditional dependencies which can be added to the requirements (or to a group of extra requirements) automatically, depending on the environment the installer is running in. They can be added to requirements in the requirements file, or to extras defined in setup.cfg, but the format is slightly different for each.

For :


This will result in the package depending on only if it’s being installed into Python 2.6

For extras specified in setup.cfg, add an section. For instance, to create two groups of extra requirements with additional constraints on the environment, you can use:



pbr overrides the hook (i.e. ). The following sequence is followed:

  1. If a file exists and testrepository is installed, pbr will use it as the test runner. See the documentation for more details.


    This is separate to (note the extra ) which is provided directly by the package. Be careful as there is some overlap of command arguments.

  2. Although deprecated, if is defined in and nose is installed, the runner will be used.

  3. In other cases no override will be installed and the command will revert to setuptools.

A typical usage would be in such as:


The argument will set to to produce a coverage report. can be used to modify or narrow the packages traced.

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

What’s New in the QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number?

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System Requirements for QuickSearch 3.01 serial key or number

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