
Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 serial key or number

Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 serial key or number
- Definitions and usage examples
- Synonyms and many related words
- 5000 audio pronunciations
- 160 000 root words
- 230 000 word senses
- Fixed web reference tabs (Wikipedia)
WordWeb is now free to all.
Free Windows DownloadGet mobile apps
- 70 000 audio pronunciations
- Add new words
- Custom glossaries and web references
- Optional add-on dictionaries and word lists
- Wildcard and full-text search
- Find and solve anagrams
Plus all the features of the free version.
Read MoreBuy Now
Latest Version 9
Extensive revisions with thousands of new words and definitions. Supports dark mode and latest Windows 10. See What's New.
Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 Retail Incl Keygen-BRD
Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 Retail Incl Keygen-BRD
Admin on Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:16 am
- Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 Retail Incl Keygen-BRD
[Only admins are allowed to see this image]
- BRD has released the latest version of “Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle”. This application will be a valuable tool for students, teachers, writers and nearly anyone who needs to access information about words and phrases.
[Only admins are allowed to see this image]WordWeb Pro can look up words in virtually any program with just one click: just hold down the Ctrl key and click on the word. If you are online, with one extra click you can also search web references, for example Wikipedia. The hotkey can be customized, or you can use a keyboard shortcut if you prefer. If you are editing a document you can select a synonym and replace the look-up word. WordWeb has the option to highlight widely used synonyms, great for helping you write clear easy-to-understand English. If you are looking for a particular part of speech you can click on the Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb buttons to show only the relevant synonyms and related words. To look at a particular sense you can click on the sense number.
NEW: Add optional third-party dictionaries in separate tabs
NEW: 70 000 audio pronunciations
NEW: clear text pronunciations with syllables
One-click look up from almost any program, including MS Word
Tab pages to quickly check web references
Bookmark words
Highlights commonly used widely-understood words
Links between sounds-like and often-confused words
Find words matching a pattern
Add definitions to the database
Solve and find anagrams
Copy results to the clipboard
Search for words in a large number of optional extra word lists
Add your own custom glossaries
Import and export custom definitions and glossaries
Configure for American, British, Canadian, Australian or Asian English
Option to hide (default) or flag vulgar and offensive related words
Reverse definition (full text) search
- Release Name: Antony.Lewis.WordWeb.Pro.Ultimate.Reference.Bundle.v6.8.Retail.Incl.Keygen-BRD
Size: 713.01 MB
Install the program and use our keygen.
Import the .reg file to enable web references.
- Code:
- Code:
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- Code:
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Admin- Admin
- Posts : 113
Join date : 2012-08-31

Cracked by...: BRD Cult Size.....: 15
Suplied......: BRD Cult Date.....: 01/24/2013
Packaged.....: BRD Cult Type.....: Keygen
Protection...: Custom Os.......: WinALL
WordWeb is a comprehensive one-click English thesaurus and
dictionary for Windows. It can be used to look up words from
almost any program, showing definitions, synonyms and related
words. It includes pronunciations and usage examples, and has
helpful spelling and sounds-like links.
Install the program and use our keygen.
Import the .reg file to enable web references.
Additional Word Lists/AddlWds.exe:FFD71830
Australian Oxford Dictionary/InstAusOxford.exe:FBE4EE06
Canadian Oxford Dictionary/InstCanOxford.exe:FE2AE0A7
Chambers Dictionary/InstChambers.exe:F8C84CC4
Chambers Thesaurus/InstChamThes.exe:FADC8E39
English Wikipedia Word List/Wikipedia.exe:F864A251
Geographical Word Lists/GeoAus.exe:FBB1FBC0
Geographical Word Lists/GeoBritIsles.exe:FA5EB32F
Geographical Word Lists/GeoEEurope.exe:FA31EF10
Geographical Word Lists/GeoNAmer.exe:FF8C214C
Geographical Word Lists/GeoOther.exe:F8E43F5C
Geographical Word Lists/GeoSAmerica.exe:FC41410F
Geographical Word Lists/GeoScandi.exe:FAFCC4DC
Geographical Word Lists/GeoWEurope.exe:F8186AC9
Language Word Lists/cclangs.exe:FE8AE9B4
Language Word Lists/cclangs2.exe:FFACA1CE
Language Word Lists/Englishes.exe:FC5562EC
Language Word Lists/scandi.exe:FE896B34
New Oxford American Dictionary/InstNOAD.exe:FED43ACC
Oxford Dictionary of English/InstODE.exe:FFF216D7
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary/InstSOED.exe:FD6942A7
Sound Files Add-on/wwpsound.exe:FE54D0A3
WordWeb Pro v6.8/wwp6.exe:FA56431E
Enable Web References.reg:F89BDB42

What’s New in the Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 serial key or number?
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System Requirements for Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 serial key or number
- First, download the Antony Lewis WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle v6.8 serial key or number
You can download its setup from given links: