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Opera for Windows 7.54 serial key or number

Opera for Windows 7.54 serial key or number

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The ASP Column

Determining Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET

George Shepherd


HTTP Headers and the User Agent
Determining Browser Capabilities
Mapping Headers to Browser Capabilities
Up-Level Versus Down-Level Browsers
Defining a New Browser
Creating Your Own Target
HtmlTextWriter and Html32TextWriter
Mobile Browser Capabilities

Web applications are different from applications that run in homogenous environments because they send their output to all kinds of platforms and Web browsers. Some browsers support client-side scripting, some support XHTML, and still others have limited screen real estate. So how will your Web app deliver content to browsers with limited capabilities or special requirements?

[ Editor's Update - 12/14/2004: The sidebar has been updated.]

HTTP Headers and the User Agent

The first step in determining the capabilities of the browser making a request to your Web site is to find out what kind of browser it is. Inside the payload sent in the HTTP Headers is the User Agent string, which describes the browser making the request. While you don't normally see the headers sent by your client browser to a remote Web site, you can view them using TCP tracing applications. I use TCPTrace (an application written by Simon Fell and Matt Humphrey) to examine headers. Figure 1 shows the header dump for one such Web request.

Figure 1 HTTP Request/Response Payloads in TCP Trace

Here's the text from the upper-right pane of the bitmap:

Here's the text from the lower-right pane:

Notice the User Agent strings in Figure 2. In your ASP.NET application, you can easily fetch the string from the header collection programmatically. You can also look at the User Agent string when you turn tracing on in your application, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 Common User Agent Strings

BrowserUser Agent String
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 running on Windows 2000 with the .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 installedMozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; CLR 1.1.4322)
Firefox 0.8 running on Windows 2000Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8
Netscape 7.2 running on Windows XPMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-us; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040804 Netscape/7.2
Opera 7.54 running on Windows XPMozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.54

Figure 3** The HTTP_USER_AGENT String as It Appears **

That's great, but what do you do with that information? It's only useful if you know what capabilities are attached to each browser version. In both classic ASP and ASP.NET, the capabilities of various browsers are captured in secondary files.

Determining Browser Capabilities

In classic ASP the DLL %windir%\System32\inetsrv\browscap.dll includes a class that determines browser capabilities based on the incoming User Agent string. The browser capabilities object examines %windir%\System32\inetsrv\browscap.ini to match the User Agent string to a specific section in the .ini file, which describes the well-known capabilities of that browser. (ATL Server, which is a C++ template library for creating ISAPI DLLs, also uses browscap.ini to determine browser capabilities. For more information on ATL Server, take a look at The ASP Column in the November 2003 issue of MSDN®Magazine.)

Figure 4 shows a section from the browscap.ini file reporting the capabilities of a browser identifying itself as Microsoft® Internet Explorer 2.0. This section of the .ini file indicates that Internet Explorer does not support client-side scripting, nor does it support Java applets.

Figure 4 Browscap.ini Section

To use this information in a classic ASP application, you'd create the BrowserType object in a script block (it's a COM object with the ProgID of "MSWC.BrowserType") and query its properties for information such as browser name, version, and whether cookies are supported. With that information, you can deliver your content appropriately.

ASP.NET includes the HttpBrowserCapabilities class for interrogating the browser's capabilities. The HttpRequest class includes a reference to an instance of the HttpBrowserCapabilties class, so it's always available throughout your application. You can fetch it from the current Page instance or from the current instance of the HttpContext class. HttpBrowserCapabilities includes a number of properties and their significance, as you can see in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Browser Capabilities Represented

ActiveXControlsBoolSupport for ActiveX controls
AOLBoolAmerica Online browser
BackgroundSoundsBoolSupport for background sounds
BetaBoolBeta version
BrowserStringName of the browser
CDFBoolSupport for Channel Definition Format (CDF) for webcasting
ClrVersionVersionVersion number of the latest .NET Framework installed on the client
CookiesBoolSupport for cookies (though not whether cookies are disabled)
CrawlerBoolClient is a search engine Web crawler
EcmaScriptVersionVersionVersion number of ECMA Script supported by the client
FramesBoolSupport for frames
JavaAppletsBoolSupport for Java applets
JavaScriptBoolSupport for JavaScript blocks
MajorVersionIntegerMajor version of the browser
MinorVersionIntegerMinor version of the browser
MSDomVersionVersionVersion of the Microsoft HTML (MSHTML) Document Object Model (DOM) is supported by the client
PlatformStringOperating system running the browser
TablesBoolSupport for tables
TypeStringBrowser name and major version number
VBScriptBoolSupport for VBScript
VersionStringFull version number of the browser
W3CdomVersionVersionVersion of W3C XML DOM supported by the browser
Win16BoolRunning on Win16?
Win32BoolRunning on Win32?

The significance of most of the browser capabilities is obvious, and you can use the information provided to tailor your output. For example, if you have a script, you should send it to the client only if the browser on the other end understands it, which I demonstrate in the code in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Script Test

Mapping Headers to Browser Capabilities

In the September 2004 installment of this column, I looked at ASP.NET configuration and how ASP.NET has specific handlers for interpreting individual sections within a configuration file. Let's now take a look at parts of the Machine.config file, which is the starting point for configuration in ASP.NET. Near the top of the file you'll see a node providing the name of the component that interprets a User Agent string to determine a browser's capabilities:

As you can see, the type named "HttpCapabilitiesSectionHandler" is used to parse the <browserCaps> section of the configuration file. After the browser configuration settings have been parsed, for each request it looks at the HTTP headers and uses them to determine the client browser capabilities. The <browserCaps> element within Machine.config contains mappings between HTTP headers and specific browser capabilities. This information is used to populate the HttpBrowserCapabilities class for each request. Note that the browser capabilities feature matches more than just the User Agent string. Any inbound header can be matched and utilized as part of the values set for that HttpBrowserCapabilities object. Figure 7 shows some code from the <browserCaps> section of Machine.config.

Figure 7 <browserCaps>

The <browserCaps> section defines a set of key-value pairs representing capabilities. Further down in the Machine.config file, you'll see mappings of these variables to specific regular expressions in various User Agent strings. For example, between the <browserCaps> tags, you'll see regular expressions indicating the client version. If the HttpBrowserCapabilitiesHandler matches the platform strings in the User Agent string, HttpBrowserCapabilitiesHandler sets the platform property appropriately:

Up-Level Versus Down-Level Browsers

Browsers as defined in Machine.config can be categorized into two main types: up-level and down-level. Up-level browsers support HTML 4.0, cascading style sheets, ECMAScript version 1.2 (JScript® and JavaScript), and a W3C-compatible Document Object Model. Down-level browsers and client devices support only HTML 3.2. The distinction between browsers is useful for evaluating how the appearance of your Web site will change when accessed in the most common use cases.

Most modern browsers are mentioned within Machine.config. If a browser is not defined there, you can easily add a definition for one to the Machine.config or to your application's Web.config.

Defining a New Browser

[ Editor's Update - 12/14/2004: At any given node, only one child browser element can match, or the runtime will stop the tree traversal at that point. Multiple gateway matches are permitted.] This restriction eliminates some of the previous ambiguity found when working to update the browserCaps section. The regular expressions must provide unique matches so that a definitive path through the tree can be found. A request does not necessarily need to match all the way to a leaf node. The resulting HttpBrowserCapabilities object is the result of the default settings specified in the root node and the cumulative effect of all the additional properties and overridden settings that are applied as the tree is traversed.

A browser element can either create a new node in the tree by specifying a parent browser node, or it can modify the settings for an existing node by referencing it. If a browser element is not modifying an existing node, it will include an identification section to indicate what capabilities or header values must exist for a browser match to be true. In addition to identifying a browser, the node can also contain a set of elements that capture data from the headers of the request. This information can then be used in the capabilities section to set properties of the HttpBrowserCapabilities object.

Another change to the browser capabilities system is the support for specifying control adapters. ASP.NET 2.0 features a pluggable control adapter architecture that allows you to take over or participate in many of the lifecycle behaviors of the controls in a page. The need to adapt a control's behavior or output is typically a function of the browser that is being targeted, so it makes sense to include the controlAdapters element in the browser definition as well.

A final key feature of the new browser capabilities system is how it works to provide support for browser-specific page customization. In version 2.0 of ASP.NET, you can customize property values declaratively based on the requesting browser. Simply prefix a control attribute with the ID of a browser. The most specific match from the tree traversal will be used as the final value of the property. For example, a label can declaratively set different text to be used based on what browser has made the request, as shown here:

This makes it easy to tailor applications for the unique capabilities of the various browsers.

The enhancements to the browser capabilities feature in ASP.NET 2.0 should make it easier for you to keep up with the changing features of new browsers as they emerge to customize applications for varying browsers, and even to modify control behaviors through the use of adapters.

Figure 8 Web.Config

This tells ASP.NET about a new kind of browser named the "LameBrowser". Given the definition in the <browserCaps> section, this is a down-level browser that supports background sounds. If the User Agent includes the string "LameBrowser", ASP.NET will fill the current HttpBrowserCapabilities object with the values mentioned in Web.config. Note, though, that the matching of the regular expressions is additive, so a subsequent match further down in the application hierarchy could override these settings.


If you have copies of your target browsers in your test environment, it's pretty easy to see how your Web site will respond. If not, ASP.NET supports an aliasing technique that lets you force your application into thinking a certain browser made a request.

In Machine.config, you'll find a <clientTarget> section that defines aliases for Internet Explorer 4.0 and 5.0, up-level browsers, and down-level browsers:

As you can see, the <clientTarget> section maps short names to specific User Agent strings. If you set your page's ClientTarget property to any of the aliases listed, the ClientTargetSectionHandler class will intercept the alias and use the specific User Agent string to determine the browser's capabilities. Here's an example of setting ClientTarget within the page directive (you can also set this property in the Visual Studio designer):

This allows you to render your page render in different browsers.

Creating Your Own Target

While ASP.NET gives you four built-in target aliases, you probably could benefit from more. For example, imagine you wanted to test your site against the Firefox browser or the LameBrowser mentioned previously. The following bit of XML placed in your Web.config file will do the trick (provided you have <browserCaps> sections set up for each of them):

HtmlTextWriter and Html32TextWriter

In addition to the properties shown in Figure 5, HttpBrowserCapabilities exposes another read-only property named TagWriter. The TagWriter property exposes the Type of the class to use to render tags from a control. If you've ever written a custom server-side control, you've undoubtedly seen the HtmlTextWriter class passed into the Render method.

You might think calling output.Write from within a server-side control is the same as calling Response.Write, but it's actually more flexible than that. The HtmlTextWriter contains methods for rendering specific HTML elements.

While it's often good enough to contain other ASP.NET server-side controls when writing a custom control, you sometimes need to work with tags manually. The HtmlTextWriter class includes methods to support stack-based rendering of tags and attributes.

In addition to helping you keep beginning and ending tags straight, the HtmlTextWriter helps you emit the right version of HTML. When ASP.NET gets a request, it examines the TagWriter property of the HttpBrowserCapabilities class and uses either HtmlTextWriter or Html32TextWriter (Html32TextWriter derives from HtmlTextWriter). For example, tables render slightly differently in HTML 3.2 than they do in HTML 4.0. The code snippet in Figure 9 (showing the Render method overridden in a server-side control) renders a simple table with one row and one column. HtmlTextWriter includes methods to render the attributes and tags based on the HTML version understood by the browser.

Figure 9 Rendering a Control

Here's how the Html32TextWriter renders the table

while the HtmlTextWriter class renders the table like this:

Remember, Page derives from the Control class and you may override the Render method to access the HtmlTextWriter from a Page. The ASP.NET standard server-side controls are built to render based upon the capabilities of the browser making the request.

Mobile Browser Capabilities

So far, I've looked only at the basic set of browser capabilities. A whole new set of mobile browsers are supported as of ASP.NET 1.1. A tour through the Machine.config file of an ASP.NET 1.1 installation reveals settings for devices and systems such as Windows® CE, Nokia, Ericsson, and AvantGo. These are the browsers you'll find built into modern cell phones and PDAs.

ASP.NET determines these capabilities in exactly the same way it does for normal browsers. However, as you look through the various devices, you'll see that determining browser capabilities for these devices is a bit more involved because there are just a lot more capabilities to figure out.

Determining the mobile capabilities of a device is a mere type cast away from the normal device capabilities. That is, just cast the Request.Browser field to the MobileCapabilities class and you can examine the device capabilities (MobileCapabilities derives from HttpBrowserCapabilities). The code in Figure 10 determines the nature of the markup language of the browser/device (WML versus HTML), the size of the user's screen (in characters), and whether or not the device can deal with e-mail.

Figure 10 Determining Mobile Browser Capabilities

When you look at Machine.config you'll see more than 75 mobile device capabilities (in addition to the standard browser capabilities). The mobile capabilities of a device are determined by the MobileDeviceCapabilitiesSectionHandler configuration handler.


ASP.NET provides a number of features for determining the capabilities of the client making any given request. This provides you with a means of controlling your site's output by aliasing client targets to specific User Agent strings within your application.

Send your questions and comments to  asp-net@microsoft.com.

George Shepherd specializes in software development for the .NET Framework. He is the author of Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET (Microsoft Press, 2002), and coauthor of Applied .NET (Addison-Wesley, 2001). He is a contributing architect for Syncfusion's Windows Forms and ASP.NET tools.

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, Opera for Windows 7.54 serial key or number
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    Opera for Windows 7.54 serial key or number


    ClosedBug 257414Opened 16 years agoClosed 13 years ago
    S/MIME encrypted mail cannot be decrypted with restored certificate on smartcard


    (MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, defect)


    (Reporter: raymond, Assigned: KaiE)


    (Whiteboard: [kerh-noi])

    This bug is publicly visible.
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.54 [en] Build Identifier: version 0.7.3 (20040803) When my smartcard used to store my X.509-certificate broke I was issued a replacement smartcard with a new certificate and the old encryption keys from key-backup. For some reason I cannot open and decrypt my S/MIME-encrypted email anymore with this new smartcard/certificate couple. There are some differences between the certificates with the main one being a different serial number and therefore a new thumbprint for the certificate. This difference cannot be removed because of the CA-system used. i.e. a totally identical certificate cannot be issued. Would there be a workaround to enable me to read my s/mime messages with this new card i.e. just decrypt the data regardless if the certificate is identical or not? If the private key is not the correct one it will only result in garbage and it would enable useful key-backup usage. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Receive encrypted e-mail to a certificate A 2.Generate a new certificate B with same private/public-key pair as cert A and different serial no. 3.try to decrypt messages encrypted in step 1 Actual Results: I was asked for my PIN-code multiple times and then the message window opens up with just the header information, a blank message area and in the crypto-status window accessible through the broken key icon -> it tells the message is encrypted. Expected Results: The mail client should prompt the user that the message was encrypted to another certificate and give options like i) Dismiss without trying ii) Try decryption anyway. And then the cryptographic system should decrypt the message with the secret key present in the smartcard. System running: - Windows XP SP2 - SmartTrust Personal smartcard CSP/PKCS#11 adaptor - Utimaco USB-smartcard reader - Setec smartcard
    This bug has gone nowhere because it was assigned to the wrong product, component, etc. Submittor, please attach to this bug a copy of one of the encrypted email messages that you cannot decrypt. It will then be possible to see how the message specifies the recipient's key/cert. If the "recipientInfo" names the cert by issuer/serial number, then there is nothing you can do without the matching cert. But it may use other techniques. One cannot tell without the relevant message.
    Assignee: mscott → kaie
    Component: Message Compose Window → Security: S/MIME
    Product: Thunderbird → Core
    Version: unspecified → Trunk
    This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01". This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code. While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug (given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more reproduction information if you have it. If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved. Thank you for your help in this matter. The latest beta releases can be obtained from: Firefox: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ Thunderbird: http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/releases/1.5beta1.html Seamonkey: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/
    I've forwarded the request for additional information to my ex. colleague who is still in a position to generate such messages. I will be able to contribute next January once my current employer rolls out PKI.
    What mozilla-based email client are you using? Thunderbird? mozilla 1.7x? I have no tools for dealing with Microsoft Outlook files. You should be able to save a message to a file using your mozilla-based email program, even if you cannot decrypt it. Then attach it to this bug. When a message is encrypted by a sender, it contains unencrypted information to help the recipient's mail program find the right private key to use to decrypt it. That "recipient info" identifies the recipient's public key certificate in one of two ways: a) by specifying the Issuer Name and Serial Number found in the recipient's certificate, or b) by specifying the value of the "Subject Key ID" (SKID) extension in the recipient's certificate. This alternative may only be used if the recipient's certificate contained a SKID extension. It is not widely used. When the recipient receives the encrypted message, it first tries to find its own certificate that matches the "recipient info", and then it finds the private key that corresponds to the public key in that certificate. If the recipient cannot find a certificate that matches the "recipient info" then the recipient does not (in general) know which private key to use. If the encrypted messages that you received before your smart card broke used the "Issuer Name and Serial Number" form of recipient info, then your mozilla-based email client will not be able to decrypt those messages unless it has some crypto device that contains that original certificate (identified by that issuer name and serial number) and the corresponding private key. If the encrypted messages that you received before your smart card broke used the SKID form of recipient info, and if your new certificate has the same SKID extension value as the old cert did, then you should be able to decrypt the message, because your mozilla-based email client should match the SKID to the new cert, and then find the private key corresponding to the new cert. If your CA does not put SKID extensions into your certificate(s) (which would permit new certs to be used to decrypt old messages), and if your smart card issuer is unwilling to recreate your original smart card (with the original certificate) from the backup copy, then I believe you will not be able to decrypt your old messages. One might ask about the purpose of key backup if the backed-up keys cannot be restored in a fashion that allows them to continue to be used for the originally intended purpose (namely, decrypting the emails that were encrypted using the old cert and keys). Unless it can be shown that your old and new certs both bear the same SKID extension, then I believe that your mozilla-based email client is working as designed, and this is not a mozilla bug.
    Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
    Product: Core → MailNews Core
    Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

    What’s New in the Opera for Windows 7.54 serial key or number?

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