Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

Add a custom ASP rule

Process Name Similar to the content string filter, but only applies to the process name found within the SYSLOG header. Syslog header formats vary widely, so use content strings when possible. Content String

If a fixed string is always going to be found in the log, then add it as a content string. The content string(s) of an ASP rule should uniquely identify each log. To speed up rule execution, include at least one content string in each ASP rule. This serves as a pre-filter for optimization - only logs that match the given content strings will be considered for matching and parsing by the regular expressions. The log must contain all defined content strings.

Ensure there is at least one value in the content field section. Content strings should be at least three characters long and should be as unique as possible for the specific event. It is advised to include enough content matches to uniquely identify the log. Using one or more content fields in the ASP rule will significantly speed up the matching and parsing process on the Receiver.

For example, if the log entry is in this format:, you might add content fields for "ftpd" and “FTP LOGIN FROM”.

Regular Expression The first regular expression determines if the ASP rule will match the log. Any additional expressions will be used to capture values from the log that may or may not be found in all logs. Named CapturesUse named captures to more easily identify capture groups. The label used for the named capture can consist of alpha-numeric and underscore characters but cannot begin with a number or include a space. The regular expression syntax for a named capture is: (?P<NAME>regular expression capture). For example, a named capture where hostname is the name assigned to the capture group would be: Host\x3d(?P<hostname>\S+). When using named captures the policy editor displays the capture name instead of the capture number, in the right-hand side of the Parsing tab as shown below. Sample Log Data Paste a sample log entry to be parsed. The parts of the log that match your regular expressions will be highlighted in blue. Format ASP can pre-process certain logging formats to simplify the mapping of data. The following formats are available:
  • Generic - This is the default and should be used if the log does not match the other available formats.
  • CEF - (Common Event Format) - This eliminates the need to create a regular expression for each capture, and will allow the data to be mapped using the CEF key names found in the log.
  • JSON - Similar to CEF, this eliminates the need to create a regular expression for each capture, and will allow data to be mapped using the JSON key names found in the log
  • XML - Basic, Simple, or Positional - This will allow ASP to parse logs that are in XML format and assign parsed data. The XML format choice will depend upon the type of XML that is within the logs.
    • XML - Basic: expects XML without any repeated elements.
    • XML - Simple: expects XML with either a single node with attributes, or a single set of non-repeated elements without nesting.
    • XML - Positional: Expects XML that can have multiple nodes with attributes and multiple repeated elements with nesting.
Parsed Values The Key/Value fields on the right display what is being parsed from the log sample(s) by the regular expression(s). The Key will display two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number indicates the regular expression being used, and the second number indicates the capture group used within that regular expression. If a captured value is the fourth capture in the third regular expression defined, the key would display 3:4. Only use regular expressions for parsing purposesThe parser uses the content string (instead of a regular expression) for matching. Regular expressions are used only to parse messages. Case Insensitive If the log may contain either upper or lower case letters in some fields, it may be simpler to write the expression in the same case and then use this option. This enables the case insensitivity option for all regular expressions defined in the parsing rule. Trigger when data doesn't match Triggers the rule when the regular expression does not match the log.
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, Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

PHP rand() Function

❮ PHP Math Reference


Generate random numbers:

echo(rand() . "<br>");
echo(rand() . "<br>");
Try it Yourself »

Definition and Usage

The rand() function generates a random integer.

Tip: If you want a random integer between 10 and 100 (inclusive), use rand (10,100).

Tip: The mt_rand() function produces a better random value, and is 4 times faster than rand().


Parameter Values

minOptional. Specifies the lowest number to be returned. Default is 0
maxOptional. Specifies the highest number to be returned. Default is getrandmax()

Technical Details

Return Value:A random integer between min (or 0) and max (or getrandmax() inclusive)
Return Type:Integer
PHP Version:4+
PHP Changelog:PHP 7.1: The rand() function is an alias of mt_rand().
PHP 4.2.0: The random number generator is seeded automatically.

❮ PHP Math Reference
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Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number

Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.

Why is Adminer better than phpMyAdmin?

Replace phpMyAdmin with Adminer and you will get a tidier user interface, better support for MySQL features, higher performance and more security. See detailed comparison.

Adminer development priorities are: 1. Security, 2. User experience, 3. Performance, 4. Feature set, 5. Size.


Screencast about Adminer features and using plugins (19:31, by Igor Hlina)


  • Adminer 4.7.7 (.php, 480 kB), English only (.php, 323 kB)
  • Adminer 4.7.7 for MySQL (.php, 355 kB), English only (.php, 206 kB)
  • Source codes (.zip, 770 kB), Current development version
  • Donate, Monthly contribution on Patreon
  • Latest stable version (use e.g. by ):
  • Change log, blog
  • Debian package, Arch Linux package, Wordpress plugin, Drupal module, Docker, Joomla extension, Moodle plugin, TYPO3 extension, CMS Made Simple Module, Laravel, Laravel, Laravel, AMPPS, Electron
  • Adminer is also bundled with Nette Framework (which this site runs on).
  • GitHub mirror
  • Older versions


  • Connect to a database server with username and password
  • Select an existing database or create a new one
  • List fields, indexes, foreign keys and triggers of table
  • Change name, engine, collation, auto_increment and comment of table
  • Alter name, type, collation, comment and default values of columns
  • Add and drop tables and columns
  • Create, alter, drop and search by indexes including fulltext
  • Create, alter, drop and link lists by foreign keys
  • Create, alter, drop and select from views
  • Create, alter, drop and call stored procedures and functions
  • Create, alter and drop triggers
  • List data in tables with search, aggregate, sort and limit results
  • Insert new records, update and delete the existing ones
  • Supports all data types, blobs through file transfer
  • Execute any SQL command from a text field or a file
  • Export table structure, data, views, routines, databases to SQL or CSV
  • Print database schema connected by foreign keys
  • Show processes and kill them
  • Display users and rights and change them
  • Display variables with links to documentation
  • Manage events and table partitions (MySQL 5.1)
  • Schemas, sequences, user types (PostgreSQL)
  • Extensive customization options


Security is #1 priority in development of Adminer. Adminer does not allow connecting to databases without a password and it rate-limits the connection attempts to protect against brute-force attacks. Still, consider making Adminer inaccessible to public by whitelisting IP addresses allowed to connect to it, password-protecting the access in your web server, enabling security plugins (e.g. to require an ) or by customizing the method. You can also delete Adminer if not needed anymore, it is just one file which is easy to upload in the future. Adminer had some security bugs in the past so update whenever Adminer tells you there is a new version available (ask your administrator if you could not update yourself).

Alternative designs

Usage: Just put the file alongside .


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What’s New in the Access to ASP 4.2.0 serial key or number?

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