Bulk E-Mailer 2.1 serial key or number

Bulk E-Mailer 2.1 serial key or number

Bulk E-Mailer 2.1 serial key or number

Bulk E-Mailer 2.1 serial key or number

Domestic Mail Manual

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual > 500 Additional Services > 507 Mailer Services

507 Mailer Services


1.0 Treatment of Mail

2.0 Forwarding

3.0 Hold For Pickup

4.0 Address Correction Services

5.0 Package Intercept

6.0 Requesting Withdrawal and Disposal of a Mailing

7.0 Pickup on Demand Service

8.0 Mailing List Services

9.0 Address Sequencing Services

10.0 Informed Visibility

11.0 USPS Premium Tracking Service

1.0 Treatment of Mail

1.1 Nondelivery of Mail

Mail can be undeliverable for these reasons:

  1. No postage.
  2. Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address.
  3. Addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased).
  4. Mail unclaimed.
  5. Mail refused by the addressee at time of delivery.
  6. Mail refused by the addressee after delivery when permitted.
  7. Minimum criteria for mailability not met.
1.2 USPS Address Adjustments
1.2.1 Types of Adjustments

Mail can be undeliverable because of USPS adjustments such as the following:

  1. Renumbering of houses.
  2. Renaming of streets.
  3. Conversion from rural-style addresses (rural route and box number or highway contract route and box number) to city-style addresses (house number and street name).
  4. Realignment of rural or highway contract routes.
  5. Conversion from rural or highway contract service to city delivery service.
  6. Consolidation of routes.
  7. Consolidation of Post Offices or adjustment of delivery districts.
1.2.2 Charges

For 3 years after the date when the new address information appears in Address Information System (AIS) products, a mailer who regularly sends bulk mailings into an area affected by USPS adjustments is not charged for requested corrections to galley lists when such corrections relate to those adjustments.

1.2.3 Disposal

Mail that is undeliverable because of USPS adjustments is redirected and delivered to the destination without an additional postage charge as follows:

  1. For an adjustment under 1.2.1athrough1.2.1c, for 1 year from the date when the new address appears in the AIS bimonthly products released in February, April, June, August, October, and December.
  2. For an adjustment under 1.2.1d through 1.2.1g, for 1 year from the end of the month in which the adjustment occurs.
  3. For mail bearing the simplified address “Postal Customer,” “Residential Customer,” “Rural Route Box Holder,” “Highway Contract Route Box Holder,” or “Post Office Box Holder,” for 90 days or until the next June 30, whichever is later.
1.2.4 Records

Records of address changes caused by USPS adjustments are kept by the local Post Office for 3 years.

1.3 Directory Service

USPS letter carrier offices give directory service to the types of mail listed below that have an insufficient address or cannot be delivered at the address given (the USPS does not compile a directory of any kind):

  1. Mail with extra services (certified, COD [excluding COD Hold For Pickup mailpieces], registered, special handling-fragile).
  2. Foreign, except circulars. (Foreign mail received in quantities with letter-class postage but the general characteristics of circular mail is not given directory service.)
  3. Mail from overseas Armed Forces.
  4. Parcels mailed at any Package Services or Parcel Select price.
  5. Perishable matter.
  6. Official USPS mail.
  7. Priority Mail Express 1-Day Service.
1.4 Basic Treatment
1.4.1 General

Mail that is undeliverable as addressed is forwarded, returned to the sender, or treated as dead mail, as authorized for the particular class of mail. Undeliverable-as-addressed mail is endorsed by the USPS with the reason for nondelivery as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1. All nonmailable pieces are returned to the sender.

Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed




Attempted—Not Known

Delivery attempted, addressee not known at place of address.

Box Closed—No Order*

Post office box closed for nonpayment of rent.


Used only when known that addressee is deceased and mail is not properly deliverable to another person. This endorsement must be made personally by delivery employee and under no circumstance may it be rubber-stamped. Mail addressed in care of another is marked to show which person is deceased.

Delivery Suspended to Commercial Mail Receiving Agency

Failure to comply with 508.1.8.1 through 508.1.8.3.


Address not readable.

In Dispute*

Mail returned to sender by order of chief field counsel (or under 508.1.0 and 508.2.0) because of dispute about right to delivery of mail and cannot be determined which disputing party has better right to mail.

Insufficient Address*

Mail without number, street, box number, route number, or geographical section of city or city and state omitted and correct address not known.

Moved, Left No Address

Addressee moved and filed no change-of-address order.

No Mail Receptacle*

Addressee failed to provide a receptacle for receipt of mail.

No Such Number*

Addressed to nonexistent number and correct number not known.

No Such Office in State*

Addressed to nonexistent Post Office.

No Such Street*

Addressed to nonexistent street and correct street not known.

Not Deliverable as Addressed—
Unable to Forward

Mail undeliverable at address given; no change-of-address order on file; forwarding order expired.

Outside Delivery Limits*

Addressed to location outside delivery limits of Post Office of address. Hold mail for out-of-bounds customers in general delivery for specified period unless addressee filed order.


Addressee refused to accept mail or pay postage charges on it.

Returned for Better Address*

Mail of local origin incompletely addressed for distribution or delivery.

Returned for Postage

Mail without postage or indication that postage fell off.

Returned to Sender, Mailpiece Contains Nonmailable Contents.

Mail returned to sender due to contents that are nonmailable.

Returned to Sender Due to Addressee’s Violation of Postal False Representation and Lottery Law*

Mail returned to sender under false representation order and lottery order.

Returned to Sender Due to Addressee’s Violation of Postal False Representation Law*

Mail returned to sender under false representation order.

Returned to Sender Due to Addressee’s Violation of Postal Lottery Law*

Mail returned to sender under lottery order

Temporarily Away*

Addressee temporarily away and period for holding mail expired.


Addressee abandoned or failed to call for mail.

Undeliverable as Addressed, Missing PMB or # Sign

Failure to comply with 508.1.8.2e.


House, apartment, office, or building not occupied. (Use only if mail addressed “Occupant.”)

* Alternative addressing formats may not be used on the following: Priority Mail Express pieces; mail with any extra service listed in 602.3.1.2e.; mail sent with any ancillary service endorsement, except as allowed in 1.5.1b; and mail sent to any overseas military Post Office. When an alternative addressing format is used on Periodicals pieces, the publisher is notified of nondelivery only for those reasons marked with an asterisk (*).

1.4.2 Official Mail

Official mail is treated the same as mail for the general public. All fees and services must be paid or collected on delivery of mail or address correction notices.

1.4.3 Mailer Endorsement

A mailer endorsement is used to request forwarding, return, or address correction service. This endorsement (and other marking) must be prepared under 102or 202. The endorsements authorized for each class of mail and the required wording are listed in the charts according to class of mail.

1.4.4 Order

The information in the charts in this unit is associated with a customer’s change- of-address order. Information on temporary changes of address is not provided.

1.4.5 Extra Services

[7-1-20] Mail with extra services is treated according to the charts for each class of mail in 1.5, except that:

  1. Undeliverable-as-addressed Certified Mail is treated as First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service — Retail.
  2. All insured First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, and Priority Mail, pieces are forwarded and returned at no additional charge. All insured USPS Marketing Mail, USPS Retail Ground, Package Services, and Parcel Select pieces are forwarded or returned.
  3. Parcels with special handling that are undeliverable as originally addressed and forwarded to the addressee continue to receive special handling service without an additional special handling fee.
  4. All Registered Mail items are treated as registered while they are being forwarded or returned.
1.4.6 Metered Pieces

Mail paid by postage meter that does not have a delivery address and a return address is returned to the Post Office of mailing. The reason for nondelivery is attached but the address correction fee is not charged. The piece is returned to the meter licensee upon payment of the applicable return postage.

1.5 Treatment for Ancillary Services by Class of Mail
1.5.1 First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, and Priority Mail

Undeliverable-as-addressed First-Class Mail (including postcards), First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, and Priority Mail pieces are treated under Exhibit 1.5.1, with these additional conditions:

  1. First-Class Mail and Priority Mail cards and unregistered letters that do not appear to contain merchandise and do not bear “Return Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” (Option 1 only) may be forwarded to international addresses.
  2. Alternative addressing formats under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any extra service or mail with any ancillary service endorsement except Change Service Requested (Option 1). Forwarding service is not provided for such mail. Undeliverable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces with any alternative addressing format are returned with the reason for nondelivery attached, only if the address is incorrect or incomplete or the mail is undeliverable for another reason as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1; however, if such mail is endorsed Change Service Requested, piece is disposed of and an ACS record is provided for the same reasons.
  3. The Priority Mail portion of a Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment receives the forwarding, return, and address correction services described in Exhibit 1.5.1. The mail enclosed within the Priority Mail Open and Distribute shipment receives the services appropriate for its class.
  4. First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces bearing USPS Marketing Mail markings and endorsements under 202 and 244.5.1 for letters, flats, and parcels, receives forwarding, return, and address correction services for USPS Marketing Mail under 1.5.3.
  5. “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for the following:
    1. Priority Mail, other than Priority Mail containing perishable matter under 601.8.0 (except for live animals).
    2. First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, or Priority Mail pieces containing hazardous materials under 601.8.0.
    3. First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial or Priority Mail pieces with an extra service other than USPS Tracking or Signature Confirmation.
  6. Address Change Service under 4.0 is available for First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial, and Priority Mail pieces with the ACS participant code for an authorized ACS participant and a valid ancillary service endorsement. Mailers participating in OneCode ACS under 4.2.6 may print an Intelligent Mail barcode on First-Class Mail automation letters instead of a participant code and endorsement. The only endorsements permitted on First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial and Priority Mail valid ACS pieces are “Address Service Requested”, “Change Service Requested” or “Electronic Service Requested” subject to the following:
    1. “Address Service Requested” (Option 1) is valid for use on all mailpieces, including ACS participating pieces. “Address Service Requested” (Option 2) is valid for use only on ACS participating pieces.
    2. “Change Service Requested” (Options 1 and 2) are valid for use only on ACS participating pieces.
    3. The words “Option 1” or “Option 2” must not be part of the “Address Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” endorsement on mailpieces.
    4. Participating ACS mailers are limited to selecting only one of the two options available for “Address Service Requested” and one of the two options available for “Change Service Requested.” The option(s) selected along with the mailer‘s ACS participant code will be programmed at the CFS unit to facilitate processing of valid ACS pieces within the conditions that apply to ACS.

Exhibit 1.5.1 Treatment of Undeliverable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, First-Class Package Service — Commercial and Priority Mail

1. Valid for all pieces, including Address Change Service (ACS) participating pieces subject to 507.4.0.

2. Valid only for ACS participating pieces subject to 507.4.0 other than pieces containing hazardous materials.

3. Does not meet Move Update requirement.

1.5.2 Periodicals

Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) are treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.2, with these additional conditions:

  1. Periodicals matter is forwarded only to domestic addresses.
  2. Publications with an alternative addressing format under 602.3.0 are delivered to the address when possible. Forwarding service is not provided for such mail.
  3. [6-23-19] Address correction service is mandatory for all Periodicals publications, except when publishers use alternative addressing and an IMb with proper STID. Except as provided for Full-Service under 4.2.2d and 705.23.5.2, an address correction service fee must be paid for each notice issued.
  4. Address correction service is provided for the first issue after 60 days for all publications, unless copies are to be returned at the publisher’s request. ACS participants may receive the change notice before day 60, if so requested. Copies received after the address correction notice is mailed are disposed of by the USPS. When copies of the publication cannot be forwarded, the address correction notice is prepared for the first undeliverable issue of the publication received.
  5. The publisher may request the return of copies of undelivered Periodicals by printing the endorsement “Address Service Requested” on the envelopes or wrappers, or on one of the outside covers of unwrapped copies, immediately preceded by the sender‘s name, address, and ZIP Code. This endorsement obligates the publisher to pay return postage. Each returned piece is charged the single-piece First-Class Mail or First-Class Package Service — Retail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the letter-size nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or the Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece. When the address correction is provided incidental to the return of the piece, there is no charge for the correction.
  6. A publisher may request a refund of the fees paid for duplicate address correction notices on Forms 3579 provided by the USPS if the customer submitted a change-of-address order and the first and duplicate notices are provided electronically via ACS or on printed copy by a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) unit. The refund request must be supported by documentation showing the number of duplicate notices received. The USPS does not process refunds for duplicate notices if the original and duplicate notices are not provided both by ACS or both by CFS.

Exhibit 1.5.2 Treatment of Undeliverable Periodicals


1. Valid for all pieces, including Address Change Service (ACS) participating pieces.


1.5.3 USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight

Undeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight pieces are treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.3, with these additional conditions:

  1. USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight pieces are forwarded only to domestic addresses.
  2. The exceptional address format under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service (except as allowed for Marketing parcels with USPS Tracking service).
  3. The endorsement “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight pieces containing hazardous materials under 601.8.0. USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight pieces containing hazardous materials must bear the endorsement “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested.”
  4. USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight pieces can be forwarded or returned at the appropriate Media Mail or Library Mail price if the content of the mail qualifies as Media Mail or Library Mail under 173 or273 and the mail is marked “Media Mail” or “Library Mail” directly below the ancillary service endorsement.
  5. If a USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight piece including any attachment to that piece is not opened by the addressee and the piece is endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested,” the addressee may refuse delivery of the piece and have it returned to the sender without affixing postage. If a USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight piece, or any attachment to that piece, is opened by the addressee, the addressee must affix the required postage to return the piece to the sender, except for Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) pieces under 505.5.2.1.
  6. [7-1-20] USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight pieces with bulk insurance must be endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested.” USPS Marketing Mail pieces, except for Marketing parcels, with USPS Tracking must be endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” “Return Service Requested,” or “Change Service Requested”.
  7. When a large volume of identical-weight pieces originates from a single mailer and is endorsed “Return Service Requested,” the USPS may weigh a sample of at least 25 pieces and divide that weight by the number of pieces to determine the weight of a single piece. After the per-piece weight is determined, all the pieces are weighed in bulk and divided by the per-piece weight to determine the total number of pieces. Calculate the return postage using these numbers.
  8. A returned piece endorsed “Return Service Requested” is charged the applicable single-piece First-Class Mail or First-Class Package Service — Retail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or the Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece.
  9. Mail sent as BPRS under 505.5.0 is returned at the BPRS per piece fee if the endorsement includes “— BPRS” as shown in Exhibit 1.5.3.
  10. Customized MarketMail under 705.1.0 is not eligible to use ancillary service endorsements.

Exhibit 1.5.3Treatment of Undeliverable USPS Marketing Mail and Parcel Select Lightweight




No Endorsement 1

In all cases:

Piece disposed of by USPS.


USPS Marketing Mail or Parcel Select Lightweight pieces containing hazardous materials must bear a permissible endorsement (see 507.1.5.3c.).

“Electronic Service Requested”

In all cases: Mailpiece is directed to a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) or Postal Automated Redirection System (PARS) site for processing. “Address Service Requested”, “Return Service Requested”, and “Change Service Requested” handling instructions are predefined within the ACS mailer profile data. OneCode ACS mailers are also required to insert this service request through a valid service type ID in an Intelligent Mail barcode. The service type ID in the Intelligent Mail barcode will take precedence over the instructions in the mailer account profile.

“Address Service Requested”

(Does not include Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants)

“Address Service


If no change-of-address order on file:

Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee 2 charged).

If change-of-address order on file:

  • Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address provided. Address correction fee charged.
  • Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only weighted fee 2 charged).
  • After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee charged).

“Address Service


If no change-of-address order on file:

Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached and separate ACS notice provided. Weighted fee 2 charged for return of piece and address correction fee charge.

If change-of-address order on file:

  • Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address provided. Address correction fee charged.
  • Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached and separate ACS notice of new address provided. Weighted fee2 charged for return of piece and address correction fee charged.
  • After month 18:Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached and separate ACS notice of reason for nondelivery provided. Weighted fee 2 charged for return of piece and address correction fee charged.

“Address Service Requested”

(Shipper Paid Forwarding/Return participants via ACS only)

“Address Service Requested”

Shipper Paid Forwarding/
Return Option 1

If no change-of-address order on file:

Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged as follows: at applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece price for the weight of the piece.

If change-of-address order on file:

  • Months 1 through 12:Piece forwarded (no charge); separate notice of new address provided. Address correction fee charged.
  • Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (only weighted fee 2 charged).
  • After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (only weighted fee charged).

“Address Service Requested”

Shipper Paid Forwarding/
Return Option 2

If no change-of-address order on file:

Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged as follows: at applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee is charged).

If change-of-address order on file:

  • Months 1 through 12: Piece forwarded. Forwarding postage is charged to the mailer as follows: at applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice of new address provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
  • Months 13 through 18: Piece returned with new address attached (postage charged as above: “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee charged).
  • After month 18: Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached (postage charged as above: “If no change-of-address order on file”). Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee charged).

“Address Service Requested”

Shipper Paid Forwarding/
Return Option 3

If no change-of-address order on file:

Piece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; postage due charged as follows: at applicable First-Class Mail, First-Class Package Service — Retail, or Priority Mail single-piece price for the weight of the piece. Separate notice provided (electronic ACS fee is charged).

If change-of-address order on file:

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Everything you need to know about SMTP Error Codes

Error/Status Code


5.0.0 Address does not exist

Email id invalid or does not exists

5.1.0 Other address status

A problem occurred during the delivery of this message to this email address.

5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address

Specified from address or domain mailbox does not exists (anything after '@').

5.1.2 Bad destination system address

Address does not exists or not able to accept mails

5.1.3 Bad destination mailbox address syntax

Invalid or corrupted character in email address

5.1.4 Destination mailbox address ambiguous

Check your spelling of email address and resend

5.1.5 Destination mailbox address invalid

Mail address may be invailid or may have spelling mistakes.

5.1.6 Mailbox has moved

Mailbox may be moved to new location

5.1.7 Bad sender’s mailbox address syntax

Sender's address is invalid syntactically

5.1.8 Bad sender’s system address

Sender's system in the address does not exist or is incapable of accepting.

5.2.0 Other or undefined mailbox status

This error is usually return for which it has class (ie. 1xx,2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx).

5.2.1 Mailbox disabled, not accepting messages

Some changes need to made mandatory for resending mail

5.2.2 Mailbox full

Try increasing your emailbox space capacity

5.2.3 Message length exceeds administrative limit.

The Size of your email has exceeded its limit try removing unwanted text.

5.2.4 Mailing list expansion problem

mailbox saves your email address to whom you are sending or receiving emails, there is problem saving that email addresses.

5.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status

Mail has been accepted normally

5.3.1 Mail system full

mail system at client's is not able accept emails

5.3.2 System not accepting network messages

you need to whitelist the email address through your administrator it has been blocked.

5.3.3 System not capable of selected features

5.3.4 Message too big for system

Message character limit has exceeded

5.4.0 Other or undefined network or routing status

Mail accepted routing status is not available

5.4.1 No answer from host

Configuration issue at recipient's server. you can send again once the issue is resolved at recipient's end

5.4.2 Bad connection

unable to connected or delay in connection

5.4.3 Routing server failure

Error is generated by the sender's server, you need to contact your ISP/ESP.

5.4.4 Unable to route

When emailid or hosts provided is invalid.

5.4.5 Network congestion

Multiple connection on single channel.

5.4.6 Routing loop detected

Sending message to same PMTA from you have sent.

5.4.7 Delivery time expired

Mail is queued for 2-3 days after that it is removed by returning above messagae

5.5.0 Other or undefined protocol status

Something went wrong with protocol while delivering mail which can be well expressed with other status code.

5.5.1 Invalid command

out of sequence or unsupported command used while sending mail

5.5.2 Syntax error

unable to interprete the command due wrong syntax or it is unrecognized.

5.5.3 Too many recipients

Number of recipient is greater than the amount of recipient deliver by protocol

5.5.4 Invalid command arguments

the arguments were out of range or represented unrecognized features

5.5.5 Wrong protocol version

protocol version is mis-match which can't be solved at one go.

5.6.0 Other or undefined media error

Issue with content of the message which cannot be delivered.

5.6.1 Media not supported

Media is not supported by protocol or the system who is going to formard the mail.

5.6.2 Conversion required and prohibited

Message should be converted before it is send/delivery else it will be not delivered.

5.6.3 Conversion required but not supported

Message must be converted in order to be forwared but partically it is not possible.

5.6.4 Conversion with loss performed

This is Warning to the sender that While conversion data may be lost.

5.6.5 Conversion failed

Message conversion was unsuccessful

5.7.0 Other or undefined security status

Something went wrong while validating authentication which can be expressed with other status code.

5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, message refused

Authentication was not successful due to which email was not sent.

5.7.2 Mailing list expansion prohibited

Sending mail is not allowed to particular recipient.

5.7.3 Security conversion required but not possible

Conversion was required to send mail securely which is not possible.

5.7.4 Security features not supported

Authentication not supported at delivery end.

5.7.5 Cryptographic failure

Unable to decrypt the message because the key was wrong or invalid.

5.7.6 Cryptographic algorithm not supported

Unable to decrypt the message because alogrithm was not supported.

5.7.7 Message integrity failure

The message is corrupted or altered

Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

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